[PROPOSAL #16][ACCEPTED] Cosmos Hub 3 Upgrade Proposal D

I’m prepared to proceed with pushing this proposal on-chain for deposits today :sparkler:

I will set the export height to 1,933,000 and assume a block time average of 6.99 seconds, targeting Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:53 pm UTC. I’m grateful for the amount of feedback I’ve received, both publicly and privately :pray:

I’d like to note that there is a high probability of variance from my assumed block time average of 6.99 seconds/block.

These are my calculations:
If the average block time is 6.94s, then we’ll reach 1,933,000 on Sep 24, 2019 @ 10:38 am UTC.
If the average block time is 7.04s, then we’ll reach 1,933,000 on Sep 24, 2019 @ 5:08 pm UTC.