[PROPOSAL #63][ACCEPTED] Activate governance discussions on the Discourse forum using community pool funds

Hi all, our team is tackling a similar initiative and is currently building an open-source tool for the Cosmos ecosystem. Especially where we will bring in the decentralized publishing initiative. It will be a governance tool focused on building communities, governance, proposals, and voting preferences.

Product design is ready and open for comments before we move to production: https://www.figma.com/proto/SMaKDFUALEopfVeDHcBemr/DAO-likecoin?node-id=390%3A8519&scaling=scale-down&page-id=390%3A5014

Features include:

  • easier to raise and view proposals,
  • proposal content and metadata will be properly stored and published on chain
  • view validators’ past participation and voting preferences etc

Already reached up to Udi via email, but other comments are welcome.
Discord: LikeCoin
Email: phoebe@like.co