Thanks for the detailed roadmap, and all the new features we are looking toward with ATOM 2.0.
One of my concerns as a validator is the cosmos hub still has fewer spots than the majority of the interchain chains (there are security reasons to why which i will mention later in this post), but this basically disables many cross-chain validators from participating. I would love to see if we can address this.
For interchain to be successful the hub should be able to incorporate the majority of the service providers on side-chains. The limited seating on the hub I feel is a blocker.
Reasons I know (as i have through SS proposed the increase of validator spots):
- Reduced block time.
- Higher upkeep with all validators (in terms of coordinating upgrades)
- Higher risk (maybe?)
I think we should really think about increasing the cosmos hub validators to the initially proposed seating availability (of 300 in the original paper) and think about scaling this to 1000+(if not 10s of thousands) in the future from a technical perspective, so that more people can participate, which works towards decentralization.
One of the biggest arguments being that new validators should just validate on side chain deters the spirit of a decentral application.