Cross-posting from the GWG Telegram (
For mid-month call could be nice to invite Zaki to chat about the legal entity he’s working to form to connect with Cosmos’ on-chain governance. I recall his meeting with the lawyer is Mar 16, so could be a late mid-month call.
I think a legal entity that is responsible to Cosmos’ on-chain gov could be a way to help avoid the barrier to making governance proposals, because it could handle smaller funding denominations for work for the hub.
We could also tackle supporting dev focused community spend proposals. Like what information is essential and what information is helpful.
Sunny wants to finalize this proposal: [Proposal] [Draft] Proportional Slashing We could use this as an example for what we think is essential vs helpful for a text-based proposal to approve a protocol change.
We could also discuss a process for a funded protocol upgrade/change.
Eg. 1) Text-based proposal with high overview of changes (or perhaps more detailed)
2) Community-spend proposal to implement the changes
3) Text-based proposal to include the changes in an upgrade (or perhaps to co-ordinate an upgrade specifically for the new software)
I posted a poll in Telegram (image below). Pick as many items as you want and feel free to post your choices here.