Splitting ATOM: Money or Governance?

Sounds like that’s just TVL - which in actuality constricts the money supply in favor or incurring interest. The equation in the link for money velocity is roughly GDP/money supply, in that way it can be determined how much economics - good and services, was produced with the money supply. There are many competing crypto monies, what I am hypothecating is the core system that see the most money velocity will win in protocol adoption.

Surplus = resilience. I get your argument and I’m sure there are conditions where this applies. Again - six sigma is a business function of designing inefficiencies out of systems. We’ll use the example of 50 laborers with shovels and a backhoe tractor to dig a hole. The inefficiencies to examine here are time, man power and capital costs. If your goal is to maximize labor force with no constraint on time or cost, by all means pick you up a shovel and dig the holes - it’s resilient.

We’re getting way off topic now though.

Ceding power to a system to make decisions about resources more or less, and monetary policies. I’ve put significant thought into this and I scrutinize my own logic harder than most. What would people do if we eliminated the inefficiencies of their role in several business sectors? Preparation in the event that something like a massive solar flare creates an eltromagnetic pulse that damages the functionality of that system would be high on that list.