Temperature Check: Building a Talent Hub for Cosmos

We think the ecosystem as whole should approach this topic as a necessary public-good funding. The key argument we shared relates to the fact that there will be an inevitable bottleneck in the future if this situation is not addressed preemptively. We are currently relying on foundations and DAOs which won’t be able to follow the demand as it scales. Moreover, creating a decentralized platform to take over the charge will require extensive work to be designed, specified, built, tested, and lastly implemented.

Due to the public nature of the business and its relatively low profit margin to operate correctly, we identified this as a perfect match for a joint funding from the two sources currently operating this human ressource coordination, namely the AADAO and the ICF.

As we previously described, building public infrastructure takes time, more than building in a centralized manner. This is why we think it is important to kickstart the first steps long before the actual bottleneck shows up. To this day, the plan is initiate community discussions, ideation and brainstorming. The goal should be to collectively declare our willingness to build such infrastructure, define the key features and components needed to achieve them. The next stage will be more technical as it involves defining clear specifications and cost estimations.

To answer your question more directly, the biggest challenge lies ahead of the specification and funding phases. We’re not yet there as this post only clears the path for community discussions. Regarding the downside, we only see the community spending required to fund the actual building. The community will have to balance the necessity-cost ratio.