February 7, 2024
Lately there has been a ton of spam on the Hub getting vetoed. Historically, it hasn’t been really clear which outcomes lead to a deposit being burned so we decided to do a demo day of different proposal outcomes.
Proposals on the Hub can have five outcomes:
- PASS: Quorum achieved, >50% of participating voting power votes YES
- REJECT: Quorum achieved, >50% of participating voting power votes NO or NWV
- VETO: Quorum achieved, >33.3% of participating voting power votes NWV
- INCONCLUSIVE: Quorum achieved, neither YES/NO side achieves >50% of participating voting power
- NO QUORUM: Quorum not achieved
We ran five different proposals, each intended to showcase a different voting outcome and how the deposit was handled. Each proposal was submitted by a unique wallet that was initially funded with 11 ATOM (for a 10 ATOM deposit on each proposal).
- Vote YES on Proposal 101
- Vote NO on Proposal 102
- Vote NOWITHVETO on Proposal 103
- Vote ABSTAIN on Proposal 104
- Do NOT vote on Proposal 105
Kinda neat to see all those voting options show up so clearly in the explorers!
Outcomes resulting in a returned deposit:
Wallet cosmos1mrwtsv7p53k90ey2nej4glsv3gphujkh8fr0mx contained 11 ATOM after proposal 101 passed.
Wallet cosmos10d48f9w5e86r74j7jnhw7hu489649jzcz4hqdn contained 11 ATOM after proposal 102 passed.
Wallet cosmos18vkqj9ha0h98nummd7z9z42ff56ktmz0st4yye contained 11 ATOM after proposal 104 hit quorum but was neither passed nor rejected.
Outcomes resulting in a burned deposit:
Wallet cosmos17nrgds90as3ccmlvxpsfamaw44l68lnh94cexr contained 1 ATOM after proposal 103 was vetoed.
Wallet cosmos122fe029kyunndwygyu7cwukleueau6layp5ejn contained 1 ATOM after proposal 105 failed to reach quorum.
Lessons learned
We had 38 validators participating in this event!
Some validators reported learning the following:
- Deposits are burned for proposals which fail to meet quorum.
- Voting can be changed any time during the voting period. This means that you can change your mind so long as the voting period has not ended!
- Some explorer UIs hide proposals which are being overwhelmingly vetoed, as a spam prevention measure.