Testnet Wednesday Reports

This Wednesday marked the start of our first period for the Testnet Incentives Program (Nov 22 - Dec 20, 2023).

Today we performed a minor upgrade from v14.0.0 to v14.1.0 (forum post for this version here). v14.1.0 contains cryptographic equivocation code to automatically process equivocation evidence and slash offending validators without the need for an equivocation proposal via governance.

We will be testing the consensus-breaking piece of code in this upgrade on Friday November 24, 2023 at 15:00 UTC.

:warning: Nodes that are still running v14.0.0 at this time will have apphash errors. To avoid this, make sure you have upgraded to v14.1.0 before Friday. :warning:

The Testnet Incentives Program is a pilot program, so we are continuing to gather feedback on process, criteria, etc! Some of the feedback we’ve received:

Verifying mainnet validator status

Validators are telling us: Testnet validators want a way to verify that they operate on mainnet without using their mainnet key on the testnet, for ease-of-completion, operational security, etc,

:saluting_face: We updated the Google form to allow verification using only mainnet keys on mainnet.

Hypha’s validators decide when the upgrade comes online

Validators are telling us: Hypha’s testnet validators hold majority voting power, so the chain starts moving as soon as Hypha comes online rather than when the majority of the decentralized set comes online.

:saluting_face: Longterm, we’re looking to decentralize the testnet more but we need confidence that folks are paying attention and keeping the network online. In the meantime, we’ll commit to waiting 15 minutes after the upgrade height to bring the Hypha fruit validators online :apple: :banana: :cherries:

Signing window is too tight

Validators are telling us: 5 block window is too tight for several reasons (Hypha’s validators holding majority voting power, conflicts with mainnet upgrades or other important testnets, bootstrapping time).

:saluting_face: In addition to the previous fix, we’re looking into more flexible criteria that will reliably recognize teams that are present and responsive while not punishing reasonable latency. This is a difficult balance to strike, so please bear with us!

For now, we’ve decided to remove the 5 block signing window for minor and patch upgrades.

Shout outs to:

  • Toschdev from SG-1, Claimans from CryptoCrew for feedback on verifying mainnet validator status.
  • Freak12techno from Quokka Stake, Flo from CrowdControl for feedback on Hypha’s big validators determining the upgrade speed.
  • Manueldb from Stake&Relax for sharing detailed steps on setting up manual upgrades.

As a reminder, the eligibility criteria for the Testnet Incentives Program are:

Network Criteria Proof
Mainnet Be an active mainnet validator on the Cosmos Hub. Mainnet validator must send a tx with a memo containing to cosmosvaloper address of their testnet validator and submit proof via Google form.
Mainnet Validate all available consumer chains secured by the Cosmos Hub. Hypha checks mainnet validators and blocks to confirm.
Testnet Remain unjailed for the duration of the period on the provider chain. Hypha testnet recorder reports jailing events.
Testnet Sign the fifth block after every scheduled Testnet Wednesday event in the period (consumer chain launch, chain upgrade, chain re-launch, etc). Hypha testnet recorder reports on block signing during and after events on Wednesdays.
Testnet Run mainnet-grade infrastructure (nodes, sentries, etc) on all chains. Disclosure from operators via Google form.
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