Testnet Wednesday Reports

March 13, 2024

Today we ran through a fairly simple demo day on two topics:

  1. Assigning consumer keys
  2. Setting a security contact

Consumer key assignment

In the early days of ICS, validators were encouraged to either assign a consumer key or reuse their provider key for consumer chains. That recommendation has changed! It is now only recommended to assign a consumer key and use a unique key for each chain. Never reuse keys, and keep track of which keys are used for which chains.

To reinforce this, we demonstrated key assignment on pion-1

The transaction to assign a consensus key to a consumer chain is in the provider module:

gaiad tx provider assign-consensus-key pion-1 <consumer pubkey>

Of the 56 testnet validators, 42 have now assigned a consumer key. Prior to this demo day, it was only 26 :dizzy_face:

Set security contacts

Setting a security contact is a lightweight way to verify that an email or social media handle is approved by the keyholders of your validator node, making it easier to speak for your validator without having to touch your keys. Make sure your security contact is up to date though – letting it go stale could mean being you’re being represented by an email or handle that shouldn’t be speaking for you :ninja:

To set your validator’s security contact field, use this command as reference:

gaiad tx staking edit-validator --security-contact <contact info> --from <self-delegation address>

49 validators have now set their security contact on the testnet.

Next week

Next week we’ll be taking a testnet break to focus on the mainnet upgrade!
By now, everyone on mainnet should be running assigned consumer keys…so prepare to get roasted if we see any reused keys :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :camera_with_flash:


I forgot to post last week so we have a double update today!

March 27, 2024

We packed a ton into this week:

  1. Upgrade to v15.1.0 to keep up with mainnet
  2. Game day: bond shares to your validator
  3. Game day: tokenize shares to obtain liquid staked tokens
  4. Game day: (optional) collect as many liquid tokens as possible!

Validators worked through the game day tasks, gaining familiarity with the transactions used to bond and tokenize shares, with samples given in our repo here.

Items 2 and 3 on this list were TIP criteria and we had 31 validators pass.

April 3, 2024

This week we upgraded to v15.2.0-rc0 on both provider and theta-testnet-001. This version patches a governance issue in which the proposal length is limited to 255 characters, the sdk default for 0.47. Lately we’ve seen some proposals on the Hub that include just a link to IPFS for the full proposal!

We expect to see a coordinated upgrade on mainnet to address this next week.

As this was a minor coordinated upgrade on testnet, it did not count for TIP criteria.


April 17, 2024

pion-1 upgrades to v3.0.4

April 24, 2024

provider upgrades to v.16.0.0-rc2

v16 has an active post on the forum and incorporates ICS epochs, a critical part of Partial Set Security.

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With ISLE concluded, we’re back on the regular Testnet Wednesday schedule!

TIP has been renewed by AADAO and we’ve adjusted our criteria and event planning to be more lenient in some ways (no need to do things perfectly every week – showing up and trying is enough) and stricter in others (you must assign consumer keys on mainnet now). Read more here!

May 29, 2024: ICS 2.0 Validator Set Cap

Per our adjusted criteria, we’re making events more open-ended for how validators can participate. As long as validators are present and able to be recorded (voting on a proposal, signing blocks, sending a particular tx), we’ll count their work towards TIP eligibility.

For this event, we launched the test-valsetcap-1 chain and validators had to vote YES on the launch proposal in order to be officially counted.

We demonstrated one of ICS 2.0’s power shaping mechanisms: the validator set cap.

Capping the size of the validator set: The consumer chain can specify a maximum number of validators it wants to have in its validator set. This can be used to limit the number of validators in the set, which can be useful for chains that want to have a smaller validator set for faster blocks or lower overhead. [pre-release documentation]

On the provider chain, we had 43 validators voting YES on the proposal who might have also opted-in and tried running the chain. Using Quokka Stake’s tmptop tool, we can see that the set cap of 8 validators was being enforced:

Throughout the event, validators and testnet coordinators worked together to opt-in and -out of the set to see how the consumer validator set changes. Shout out to the following validators for taking the extra time to interact with the feature even though it wasn’t required for TIP:

  • Stakecito
  • High Stakes
  • Interstellar Lounge
  • w3coins
  • HashQuark
  • BlockHunters
  • KalpaTech
  • Quokka Stake
  • CroutonDigital

We saw that the validator set cap uses the same logic as a sovereign chain’s active set: for a set capped at M validators, only the M validators with the highest voting power will be included.

This behaviour was not captured in the docs, but will be added now! Thanks to the testnet validators for surfacing this :pray:

As always, TIP eligibility can be tracked in the public spreadsheet:

Note that if either your mainnet or testnet key changes, you need to resubmit the form with a fresh proof of identity! We can’t track you if your key changes!