ATOM Endgame - Moneyness, Security, Liquidity

Feedback on “The Path To Maximum ATOM Utility”:

We extend our sincere appreciation for the comprehensive and thoughtful exploration you have presented. Your work reflects a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing ATOM, and we commend the quality of your analysis. In our response, we aim to engage with the points you’ve raised, offering constructive feedback and contributing to the ongoing discourse.

  1. Relayers as first-class citizens:
  • Positive Aspect: Recognizing the importance of infrastructure (relayers) for a seamless user experience.
  • Critique: While emphasizing the significance of relayers, we would have appreciated more concrete strategies or proposals for the massive investment into relayer infrastructure mentioned.
  1. Cosmos Hub Bridge:
  • Positive Aspect: Advocating for an excellent IBC bridge interface, acknowledging its role as a crucial touchpoint for users.
  • Critique: Due to its close relation to relaying, we would suggest to group these two in a joint operative framework.
  1. Cosmos Hub Wallet + ATOM as first-class citizen in IBC wallets:
  • Positive Aspect: Recognizing the importance of wallets in enhancing the spendability of ATOM.
  • Critique: Creating another wallet would likely turn to be very costly, we clearly suggest the path of collaboration and business agreement with existing top service providers in the Cosmos.
  1. ATOM As Gas:
  • Positive Aspect: Recognizing the challenge but proposing an innovative idea to encourage the acceptance of ATOM as gas.
  • Critique: The proximity between gas fee token and wallet means this two parameters should be joint as well.
  1. Cosmos Risk Team:
  • Positive Aspect: Identifying the need for a risk framework for Cosmos DeFi projects.
  • Critique: ABSOLUTELY agreed on this one. We have also been advocate for this for a long time.
  1. Cosmos DeFi Bank:
  • Positive Aspect: Proposing a strategy to enhance ATOM liquidity and revenue.
  • Critique: There seems to be a pattern here as it would also make a good companion the previous point. Globally we think that the Hub needs more financial related profiles in its workforce. Therefore we really appreciate to see that we are not alone to support this thesis.
  1. LST Support:
  • Positive Aspect: Acknowledging and praising the support for LST.
  • Critique: No specific critique, as it is commended for the support provided.
  1. Invest in Cosmos X Stablecoin Liquidity:
  • Positive Aspect: Recognizing the importance of stablecoin liquidity for ATOM.
  • Critique: Pairing with stable introduces impermanent loss risks and therefore we suggest this to be coupled with point 5, 6 & 7 and should be assessed by a proper risk management committee.
  1. Resolve Security Budget Distribution:
  • Positive Aspect: Identifying a potential issue with the distribution of the security budget.
  • Critique: We entirely agree with that, we like the initial work provided by @effortcapital and the vote power tax he presented in this post. There might be additional measures required but it provided a very good baseline to debate and improve upon.
  1. IBC Experimentation:
  • This one is a no-brainer
  1. Invest into the Brand of $ATOM as Interchain Money:
  • Positive Aspect: Recognizing the lack of investment in marketing and the pivotal moment we are at.
  • Critique: We would have enjoyed specific marketing strategies or campaigns to achieve this branding goal.

In summary, the post provides valuable insights into maximizing ATOM utility, but further details and elaboration on specific strategies could enhance the clarity and feasibility of the proposed recommendations. But we clearly recognize its large scope and the fact that this constitutes a solid baseline vision for the community to start working on. We recommend the formation of specific committees related to each of the aforementioned “groups”: infrastructure (relaying & bridging), business development, risk management & marketing.

Thanks for reading !
Greetings from the Govmos team, the governance arm of the PRO Delegators Validator