Cosmos Stabletoken Liquidity Initiative (CSLI) status

You’ve given a similar non-answer before:

But what mathematical and logical steps do you actually take to reach your conclusions? It’s all very vague, it’s like reading marketing copy instead of a sober analysis of risks and rewards.

Boosting the most decentralized and established stablecoin in the Cosmos ecosystem is a great public good but can we be extremely specific about the numbers involved? ATOM staking rewards appear to be the vast majority of the ‘profit’ and the Community Pool already has plenty of ATOM in it.

  1. Exactly what numbers do you start with, and how exactly do they lead to the conclusion you reached? What is the exact breakdown of ATOM, IST, USDC, and SILK you expect to gain, if all goes as expected?

  2. What is the expected size of the IST debt at the end of a year?

  3. What if the price of SILK goes down and you experience impermanent loss?

  4. What backup plan do you have if things don’t go as expected and you can’t pay off the IST loans at the end of a year?

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