Failed to connect to keystore

Hi, after installing tendermint, getting this error when start. Any clue?

MBP-de-MacBook:workspace robert$ tendermint start --proxy-app=keystore
2021-12-19T14:46:55-03:00 INFO starting service impl=multiAppConn module=proxy service=multiAppConn
2021-12-19T14:46:55-03:00 INFO starting service connection=query impl=socketClient module=abci-client service=socketClient
2021-12-19T14:46:55-03:00 ERROR abci.socketClient failed to connect to keystore.  Retrying after 3s... connection=query err="dial tcp: address keystore: missing port in address" module=abci-client
2021-12-19T14:46:58-03:00 ERROR abci.socketClient failed to connect to keystore.  Retrying after 3s... connection=query err="dial tcp: address keystore: missing port in address" module=abci-client