Gov param-change denom

What is the proper way to submit a proposal and change the government params the deposit denom and change to “abcoin” only?

the running correct genesis file is marked denom as stake and the amount is 1000000
gov part:

   "gov": {
      "voting_params": {
        "voting_period": "172800000000000"
      "deposit_params": {
        "min_deposit": [
            "denom": "stake",
            "amount": "10000000"
        "max_deposit_period": "172800000000000"
      "votes": null,
      "tally_params": {
        "threshold": "0.500000000000000000",
        "veto": "0.334000000000000000",
        "quorum": "0.334000000000000000"
      "starting_proposal_id": "1",
      "proposals": null,
      "deposits": null

staking part:

"staking": {
      "last_validator_powers": null,
      "validators": null,
      "unbonding_delegations": null,
      "params": {
        "max_entries": 7,
        "max_validators": 100,
        "unbonding_time": "1814400000000000",
        "historical_entries": 0,
        "bond_denom": "mdap"
      "exported": false,
      "delegations": null,
      "last_total_power": "0",
      "redelegations": null

here is my first drafted proposal:

  "title": "Deposit/Vote Time",
  "description": "For making this a greater net for everyone, we will put all our effort to maintain the mainnet.",
  "changes": [
      "subspace": "gov",
      "key": "min_deposit",
      "value": "[{\"denom\":\"mdap\",\"amount\":\"10000000\"}]"
  "deposit": [
      "denom": "stake",
      "amount": "10000000"

There is an internal error from that …

i adjusted the configuration and still got error too.

invalid proposal content: unknown subspace: mindeposit: failed to execute message; message index: 0
  "title": "Deposit/Vote Time",
  "description": "For making this a greater net for everyone, we will put all our effort to maintain the mainnet.",
  "changes": [
      "key": "depositparams",
      "subspace": "mindeposit",
      "value": [{"denom":"mdap","amount":"10000000"}]
  "deposit": [
      "denom": "stake",
      "amount": "10000000"

finally the solution is found from
using this version.

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