[last call] Increase the size of the memo field to 100kb and 10x the cost of bytes

Bytes are waaaaay too cheap. - @valardragon

The price of the brick must go up.

@effortcapital – I think that it makes sense to move forward on this item, and pretty quickly. 10x the price of bytes (read and write is about 80% of the cost of transactions, per @zaki_iqlusion – so, bytes are underpriced for sure)… so, without causing problems for anyone because of the use of x/globalfee for ibc infrastructure, we can:

  • increase the size of the memo field to 100kb to enable ideas like Dither
  • increase the price of gas for bytes by 10x

I – think that this is a safe, sensible approach to allowing for the hub to be a permanent storage mechanism, and pricing that appropriately.

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