Multiplicity: A Gadget for Multiple Concurrent Block Proposers

Co-authored with Max Resnick

Also shared on other relevant forums

MEV and the Proposer’s Monopoly on Inclusion

Modern blockchains operate on a leader-based system where a rotating proposer holds the power to decide which transactions are included in each block and what order to include them in. Some proposers collude with MEV-searchers to maximize the rents that they can extract from this temporary monopoly (e.g. MEV boost).

This collusion can warp the equilibria of on-chain mechanisms by allowing some users to pay to censor other users’ transactions. Auctions – a key tool in on-chain mechanism design – are particularly susceptible to manipulation through censorship See Censorship Resistance in On-Chain Auctions by Pai, Resnick and Fox for more details.

The proposer’s monopoly on inclusion is the weak link, which allows for cheap censorship. In order to improve the censorship resistance of a chain we need to destroy this monopoly by allowing multiple concurrent block proposers (MCBP). In particular, we would like to expand the set of nodes who are able to contribute transactions in each block. Multiplicity is a practical gadget that allows non-leader nodes to include additional transactions into a block.

Multiplicity: A Practical Gadget for Multiple Concurrent Proposers

Informally, In the first stage every non-byzantine validator on the committee sends a signed special bundle of transactions, to the leader. In order to construct a valid block, the leader must include at least 2/3 (stake weighted) of these bundles. Therefore the leader cannot construct a valid block that omits a transaction which was included in >1/3 (stake weighted) of the special bundles.

More formally: a proposed block is only valid if the leader includes a sufficient quorum (defined either by stake-weight or number) of validator-signed special bundles of transactions.

The gadget adds the additional steps to proof-of-stake protocols:

  1. Each validator constructs a special bundle of transactions from their local view of the mempool. They sign this and send it to the leader.

  2. Based on payloads received from other validators, the leader creates, signs and broadcasts a block proposal containing at least 2/3 (stake weighted) of these special bundles. .

  3. When determining the validity of the leader’s proposal, validators check that sufficiently many special bundles are included in the block

    3a. If the block contains a quorum of payloads the block is sufficient and consensus proceeds normally.

    3b. If the block does not contain a quorum of payloads it is considered invalid and a new round of consensus starts the same way it would if a block contained a transaction with an invalid signature.

Conditional Tipping Logic to Incentivize Inclusion

Conditional tipping rules where the transaction tip is only split among the proposers who include a transaction can be used to improve censorship resistance even further. Conditional tipping logic increases the cost of censorship by making colluding equilibria less stable.

For example, say there are three validators, a transaction with a tip of $5 and a bribing agent who values censoring the transaction at $10. If there is a single leader, it is in the leader’s best interest to take the bribe for > $5 in exchange for censoring the transaction. When more leaders are added, the bribing agent must bribe each of the leaders, eventually it becomes too expensive to bribe everyone and the transaction gets through. See Censorship Resistance in On-Chain Auctions for more details.


Duality Labs is building multiplicity for an on-chain MEV auction that redistributes value back to liquidity providers to reduce LVR. The v1 is largely inspired by ABCI++ and being built with custom add-ons to Tendermint and ABCI 1.0 (PrepareProposal and ProcessProposal), but is generalizable to most leader-based PoS consensus algorithms through the previously described steps. We plan on open sourcing a repo in Q2 2023. In the meantime feel free to reach out for partnerships and collaboration on twitter: @PossibltyResult

Big shoutout to Zaki Manian for leading us down the right path for a practical implementation of multiple concurrent block proposers.

1 Like

This is really interesting. Can’t wait to see more of what you guys are building.

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