[PROPOSAL #66][ACCEPTED] Increase Active Validator Spots To 175

I’m starting to think we maybe should have discussed longer and thought abuot 200. Considering thats where we were planned to be at, maybe we should start discussions on when that would be. Traditionally, people want to hold off for long periods of time before adding to the set again, but I think with the hub we should take this seriously as more big money comes in and just buys validator spots.

OmniFlix proved its possible if we make this a priority.

Our bad. Apologies. Let’s hope the proposal still passes!

I agree with you, but our thinking was that adding only 25 validators is modest and should easily pass. Adding only 25 validators will take the cost of spinning up an active ATOM node from $2,000,000 down to only $1000! That’s also why we felt adding only 25 would suffice for now.

Yeah 25 is definitely an easier sell. But as we’re seeing, the battle is already on and it’s going to be a tough one. That $1000 will rise very quick as we get approach the expansion date. But either way this is still great and thank you for taking the initiative on this.

Thanks so much. I wish we had spent more time on the title and description before submitting the proposal on chain, but it is what it is. Please spread the word on social media and tell people about the proposal. It’s so important. Thanks!

a good idea, better for increasing decentralization.

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Please spread the word and tell every ATOM holder you know. We need votes.

How about delegation programs to incentivize new Validators to join the active Set? How can new Cosmos support groups apply a proposal to receive delegations from the foundation?

By chance did you listen to the OG validators call? The Twitter link to that chat is up in the proposal description. They talked about the new community pool being separate from the foundation and that new proposals to distribute community pool funds could go to small validators, or that individual validators could apply for a delegation from the community pool. The community pool has to get set up first, from what I understand, and then it will take form from there.

Just some more insight onto this particular upgrade! The gov/groups module updates necessary to do this are roadmapped to be part of Cosmos SDK v0.46 in the v8-Rho upgrade, not v7-Theta (which is the one currently in voting period.

The idea is for governance to be able to control any kind of transaction if the proposal-maker structures it properly, in contrast to how we currently only have 4 specific proposal types (Signaling, Community Spend, Param Change, Software Upgrade). In the Fireside chat they theorize about having an account controlled by the governance module and the ability for a proposal to delegate ATOM from that account to a validator. These features are far enough in the future that it’s hard to say precisely what that would look like and how many steps it might take to get there.

With the groups module, you could also do something like sending ATOM from the Community Pool to a new DAO that is meant to delegate to up-and-coming validators.

All this to say that there are a variety of ways that the Hub could use Community Pool funds (which are already separate from the Interchain Foundation) to help out smaller validators but the timeline is a bit longer and it’s not an out-of-the-box solution - someone’s going to have to make some proposals to make it happen. Look out for the Rho upgrade! :eyes:

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