[PROPOSAL][DRAFT] (Delaying until 1/2023 after implementation of ICS) Increase the Cosmos Hub Active Validator Set to 200 Validators (from 175)

  • About the tax, it definitely is another topic (out of context there). Validators are getting slashed/jailed for bad job, I do not see why delegators could not bear some responsibilities for the chain healthiness. It definitely it just the grand schema of things but the way I see it it would not need to be permanent and could be gradually adjusted, let’s say a target of 55% out of the actual 57.07% for the top 20. Tax runs for the delegators of top 20 validators until the target is reached. That tax could go to the community pool or help low ranked validator to offer extra incentive (temporally) until they get out of the ‘danger zone’.
    It would act as a safety net, helping those validators building without worrying to much about getting those rewards cut (being inactive) and projects stopped.

  • About security, I don’t see any valid arguments. No individual (perhaps masses/whales), can choose who’s gonna part of those extra 25 in fact nobody can pick what there infra is gonna be/if they have their own datacenter/where are they gonna be located.

  • I definitely agree with you about perception of money. I totally acknowledge that there is a barrier higher for some lower for others.

My biggest concern has to do with tendermint and it’s ability to run with many validators. Perhaps someone with more technical background should bring his knowledge there.
Referring to that post (prop10 going over the current number of validators would (noticeably?) harm the performance of the chain, increasing the blocktime.

Being in the active list should not be easy and should not just require some tokens, most of top validators really did have a great impact on the chain.

This is why we all have to option to contribute as delegators, vote governance and split our staking wherever we want.

My experience so far is that we do have enough validators, I can’t count the hours it took me to find the ones matching my criterias in the current 175 set. And it still takes me time to follow them on social media/governance to then adjust where my staking is happening.

IMHO The main Security issue we could have has more to do with concentration of staking in top X validators.
IMHO Adding validators won’t help decentralization. If they currently are in the top of the list of inactive validators it’s simply because people do not want to delegate.
IMHO We already have jailing for bad actors which then opens gate to new validators.