From Ubik Capital point of view:
For slash_fraction_double_sign, 20% slashing rate is too high. Such a high slashing rate could have a big impact on small validators.
For “inflation_rate_change”. Let’s see some calculations before taking some decision.
For “max_validators”. We can set the value to 150 validators but I don’t see any benefit in that. Now the last 30-40 validators are not so big to be self-sustaining given the number of atoms they own or which they have following the delegation. I think that after a while they will close their validators if is not a good business for them.
For “community_tax”. Let’s use this tax to help small validators or le’s make another tax to help small validators. Let’s help a bit more the small validators.
Currently, there are more than 100 active validators but only 14 validators control more than 2/3 of the network so is not a real decentralization.