At this stage, we believe further increases to the minDeposit parameter may not be necessary and could even have unintended consequences by limiting the participation of regular community members in decentralized governance. Since Proposal #980 raised the minDeposit to 500 ATOM, we have not observed any new spam proposals. While this could partly be due to the holiday season, we recommend maintaining the current threshold until clear evidence emerges of disproportionate spam activity, as seen prior to the adjustment. Keeping governance accessible should remain a priority.
That said, we are open to revisiting the deposit amount within the broader context of governance reform for the Cosmos Hub. We have plans to propose this discussion in Q1 2025, aligning it with potential constitutional framework deliberations. We are currently coordinating with other community members on this initiative, aiming to integrate governance improvements into a comprehensive constitutional proposal. For further insights on this topic, see the ongoing discussion here.
We encourage everyone to actively participate in these important debates—whether on governance reform or the broader constitutional framework. Your input will be invaluable!