tl;dr If you’re a validator on Cosmos that cares about governance, sign up for a future validator jury. 50 USD per session, saves you time judging proposals you would need to look at anyways, plus “the best conversation I’ve ever had in Cosmos governance” according to a previous juror. Sign-up here.
What’s a validator jury?
Validator juries are a new governance mechanic being piloted by the Validator Commons. They bring together small, randomly-selected groups of validators (the “jury”) to have intimate, private conversations about upcoming governance proposals.
During each conversation, a neutral moderator will bring in “expert witnesses”, often the proposers themselves, to answer questions posed by the validators. Afterwards, the validators gather together to make a joint, public recommendation about the proposal(s).
This jury system is designed to save validators time (because you don’t have to participate in or evaluate EVERY governance proposal, only the ones you get randomly assigned) and to improve the quality of governance decisions.
Our first pilot was for ATOM 2.0, see the results here.
Now we’re going to start running these jury sessions more regularly. By signing up through the form, you’ll join a pool of other validators and MIGHT get called to serve in one of our future juries. Don’t worry, we’ll confirm with you first.
Have questions or want more details? Check out the project doc where the “court team” is organizing the project, contact us here or on Twitter, or join us at one of our regular Validator Commons calls every Wednesday.