AADAO Oversight Special Report: GM Misconduct/Mismanagement

Pati, on how many occasions between Jan 1 and Feb 23 – either verbally or in writing – did you ask Youssef if Oversight could receive perf comp? Why were you advocating for the retention bonus methodology to be based on 2023 vs 2024 salaries when you were the only person in the org who would benefit from this methodology? On how many occasions did you ask Youssef for this 2023 method of calculating retention between Jan 1 and Feb 23? Did you enlist the help of your Oversight peer Damien to also advocate that performance comp mechanisms be a certain way? Based on your long and deep experience as an auditor, do you believe it is generally a good practice for a neutral party designing a perf comp framework to be advocating for methodological choices that would lead to their own personal gain – yes or no?

Youssef, why haven’t you learned your lessons about being a bit too aggressive with people? After you took back development of the performance comp methodology from Patricia in Feb, why did you work on it more or less privately from there? Why didn’t you bring the overall performance comp framework to StratComm for ratification when this was the protocol we had included in Internal Protocols? The word ratify means “formal and official approval” — when had the performance comp framework that you sent to Pati for payment in early September been formally and officially approved by StratComm? Why did you cease team communications for 10 days after Grace published her incident report earlier this month? Do you realize as a leader you cannot just go silent on your team for extended periods?

Grace, why did you decide that only Pati’s side of the story had relevance in a “he said, she said” situation with Youssef? Is it OK for a member of Oversight to take one side of a “he said, she said” as gospel truth while demonizing the other side? Do you agree that a member of Oversight needs to act in an unpredjudiced and impartial manner in order that the concept of Oversight to remain neutral and respected? Why did you tell StratComm you would keep the investigation private, and then ~1 week later publish a lengthy account on the forum? Where do you believe all of the alt accounts defending you on the forum have come from? Would it be helpful to do speech analysis of those alt accounts to learn which community member is behind them?

Rather than publishing a personal statement with my own views on what has happened, I’ve decided the most honorable thing I can do is ask these key questions openly to the individuals involved in a public setting (above).

I don’t think AADAO or the Cosmos hub can find success with self-interest, manipulation, double standards, deceit, and betrayal laced throughout the steward org.

A steward org needs a set of contributors who put their self-interest and ego/pride aside, come with humility and selflessness to the jobs, maintain healthy interpersonal relationships, and work together in an ethical and non-political manner.

There are still a few people within AADAO who have maintained their honor, and for the sake of these individuals I hope the org can rediscover its purpose and positive direction.

I have a great level of sadness from the entire situation, the Cosmos community deserves much better than this.

If by this Friday AADAO members are not in a position to begin voting on a proposition to resolve the present situation, I will need to resign from the DAO and separate myself from the situation, at which point most likely, I would also recommend to the Community that funds be clawed back from AADAO wallets.