AADAO Oversight Special Report: GM Misconduct/Mismanagement

Which is why hiring process for Oversight Controller and Oversight Coordinator must also be redone.

Please see


Following a raucous start to the Twitter space today, this is what I believe we mutually agreed to via the Townhall and additional conversations in AADAO Slack:

Independence of AADAO Oversight:

AADAO Oversight is an autonomous and independent committee, separate from the Core DAO. Its primary responsibility is to represent and serve the interests of the Cosmos hub community & stakeholders. The committee is not obligated to align with AADAO’s business, strategic, entrepreneurial, marketing, or public relations objectives.

Removal Process for Elected Oversight Member:

The elected member of AADAO Oversight can only be elected and removed through Cosmos hub governance.

Revised Hiring Protocol for Key Oversight Roles:

The hiring process for the Oversight Coordinator and Oversight Controller positions must be restructured. At a minimum, when these roles become vacant, they should be:
a) Publicly advertised with an open application period
b) Potentially subject to ratification through Cosmos Hub Governance

Rescinding Previous Oversight Coordinator

Offer: The offer extended to an Oversight Coordinator candidate on August 30th by the former GM will be withdrawn. This decision is based on the fact that the offer was made by the former GM during an ongoing investigation into his misconduct and mismanagement issues.

(Unclear if we have agreement on the below, but asking again)

Ownership and Independence of Transparency Reports:

Transparency Reports are to be considered the exclusive products of the Oversight committee. These reports should not require approval from or be directed by Core DAO members, maintaining the committee’s independence and objectivity in public reports.

@Better_Future @Carter_Lee_Woetzel @Syed @neshtedle @CuriousJ @0xjordy @Facundo @Patricia


Link to Townhall today: Oversight + AADAO Core Contributors

Seriously want to have an answer by AADAO to this.

And since we‘re talking about money:

Who is responsible for losing 80k (until returned…) in the most embarrassing amazeur way to a CEX address?

I can ask this in the other thread. But I expect the one who’s responsible for burning 80k of cp funds it to tell the community (and is unable to communicate with Cosmoverse what the next 80k must be considered as, BEFORE sending 80k).


I provided a thorough report here:

Please direct your questions re the erroneous transfer of $80k USDC for Cosmoverse in the other thread. Thanks Stunzeed.

fwiw, wanted add this personal tweet to this thread…as this saga continues.


I would like to inform that I have made the decision to leave the AADAO. I’m committed to staying until I can hand over my responsibilities to the next Financial Controller, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition. Thank you.


I want to express my sincere appreciation for your contributions during your near two yrs with Cosmos. Your commitment to professional principles and your courage in asking important questions, even in challenging circumstances, is admirable.

Your ability to maintain your integrity and tenacity in seeking clarity, even when it wasn’t easy, is an inspiration.

Thank you for your service and commitment. And thank you so much for helping Oversight ensure a smooth transition.
You will be missed by me, both professionally and personally.


My experience in the corporate world has given me the expertise to identify issues and gaps. However, my limited familiarity with the ATOM ecosystem has influenced my ability to effectively address key matters.
I entrusted you with important matters because I saw how committed you are to doing things the right way. Your arrival marked the first time Oversight could truly operate as intended. I genuinely believe you are a vital part of AADAO, and I want to wish you and the team continued success. Thank you!


Thank you for everything you’ve done for the Hub, especially in such challenging conditions. Your professionalism has truly set a high standard for anyone who follows in your footsteps. The community (myself at the very least) is deeply grateful and sincerely hopes you’ll stay connected, even if just as a spectator.


Yes sorry for Patricia and the other AADAO members. Youssef wasn’t expecting that his selected employees will open the mouth and when they finally did for some reason he became very aggresive as seen in that audio for example. From the very first moment the idea of the ‘ATOM grants program’ appeared on the Cosmos Hub forum written by Youssef and another co-founder @Better_Future with apparently a great resume we immediately saw many red flags and tried to warn the community, we are talking December 2022. We were heavily critized and the community supported the proposal and the AADAO started. We continued to see many red flags about the projects funded, including huge easy funding for Cosmoverse (and cryptocito videos) where Youssef presented himself very happy in photos with Cito. In the renewal we tried again to warn the community and at least given our pressure Youssef accepted to open some positions to apply rather than handpick all AADAO members. Ultimately what we were warning about for 2 years finally came to light and now there is this huge mess in Cosmos because of the AADAO with projects cancelling plans to join AEZ because of this situation. Not to mention all the crazy amount of ATOM from the community pool wasted in many projects friends&family of Youssef that brought no value to Cosmos and now challenging to recover these ATOM. I hope that now the community learnt and we got a bit more trust when we see red flags about some initiatives and inform the community repeatedly. Remember also that Youssef was in the ATOM 2.0 whitepaper and one of its strongest proponents and when his ATOM 2.0 plan didn’t work he then launched the AADAO, maybe if ATOM 2.0 had launched it would had been even more difficult to discover the misconduct, we also warned about the ATOM 2.0 whitepaper and contributed to the failing of that governance proposal via our alarming and twitter threads (ironically @Cosmos_Nanny also had a major role in ATOM 2.0 failing while still at AiB :sweat_smile: :handshake: and unknowingly with our pressure to Youssef to open positions for the AADAO we helped bring Grace inside the AADAO. Cosmic and Grace defending and protecting the Cosmos :atom_symbol: :crossed_swords:). Also, the control of the OFFICIAL COSMOS HUB TWITTER was given to the AADAO who refused to share any of our videos or content since they took control and despite our requests the AADAO refused to provide clear reasons or a criteria to share content, while only the COSMOS account was kept in control of the ICF… :man_facepalming: Seems a lot of naiveness in the Cosmos ecosystem, what us and a few others realized instantly, it took most others 2 years to realize. Like always, like the Roman Empire, the AADAO fell because of internal conflicts

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