AADAO Oversight Special Report: GM Misconduct/Mismanagement

Grace at AADAO 2 months after her arrival on our Oversight. Happy burning y’all

Is this Youssef talking or the wife?


ah and just to be clear: i’d support the way Grace works if there was 0 conflict of interest.

but sadly there is, and these true and respectable competences are wasted.

yeah, it’s sad. all this energy to just cut some heads.


I’m disappointed you feel this way.

I’ve actually really enjoyed my experience working w AADAO and getting to know the other contributors.

Our special report makes clear the concerns relating to your conduct and behaviour should not be confused with the team. And we explicitly say, in our report, that calls to dissolve the AADAO are premature and unwarranted.

Would be helpful to have your responses to the questions above.

What’s my conflict of interest?

Would be nice if this gets resolved without mud-slinging and personal attacks from everyone. Stick to facts presented and talk about how to move forward.


Agree. Than you @tknox35

It’s up to the community and AADAO contributors as to how this gets resolved (@Syed @neshtedle @CuriousJ @Carter_Lee_Woetzel @Better_Future, Jordan, Delisse, and Mark D).

As for material events and interactions relating to the alleged misconduct and mismanagement of the GM, preliminary findings from my internal review indicate that @Patricia’s account can be substantiated in meaningful part, if not in full.

This assessment is based on:

  • Interviews conducted with relevant parties (names will be withheld for confidentiality concerns)
  • Review of pertinent documentation
  • Examination of communication records

th (2)

Regarding the Perceived “Conflict of Interest” with AtomOne:

  • Initial Directive: You initially prohibited my involvement with the AtomOne working groups. I expressed disagreement with this “directive”, as I do not perceive AtomOne as a competing project to the Hub, but rather as complementary. It’s important to note that we may have, and are allowed to have differing views on this matter. I also disagreed with what you identified as a COI. It’s not a conflict. It’s more accurate to say what you’re concerned about are optics. Again, I’m Oversight. Not your PR & Marketing.

  • Extent of Involvement: To provide full transparency, my involvement with AtomOne has been minimal. It consisted of having attended three working group calls in May/June 2024. Since then, the first time I participated in a GovGen Townhall was today.

  • Discussion with Better_Future: On July 2, 2024, I had a conversation with Better_Future regarding this matter. He suggested that I share information about my volunteer-level involvement with the team at the upcoming biweekly meeting. The purpose was not to address a “conflict of interest,” but to gauge team sentiment, as it might cause unease among other contributors.

  • Team Discussion: Following @Better_Future’s advice, we discussed this matter as a team on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

  • Team Consensus: According to my notes from the July 4th meeting, the team’s consensus was: “Your involvement or curiosity with AtomOne seems harmless… we benefit from founders having less of a hostile posture against the hub.”

  • Clarification on “Conflict of Interest”: It’s important to emphasize that the team did not characterize my involvement as a conflict of interest. Rather, the discussion centered on potential perceptions and team dynamics.

If you’d like to understand what COIs are Youssef, perhaps you can refer to the Special Report above. Just because you dislike my curiosity in a thing, doesn’t make it a conflict of interest, sir.

And frankly, my interest in AtomOne is driven by value extracting/self serving behavior we have seen too much of on the Hub.


It’s remarkable how quick you and others get distracted.

Instead of talking about how Youssef habing his wife call AADAO oversight for not allowing him a monthly retention bonus, based on his 2024 rather than 2023 salary, y’all unpack your trauma because of some Atone posts? What’s next, shall we fire Joni for shilling shitcoins from Eth and Sol?

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We can post a proposal to fire Grace now ?

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While doing that, let’s change AADAO to Youssef20FG

you understand nothing, dog

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Yea, pretty superficial tweet from goldenratio.

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AADAO has as far as I can see totally failed. It was pitched as an analogue to something like Ycombinator but has been nothing like that. I’ve spoken to guys that applied and got replies 12 weeks after. I don’t know how that is even possible with the number of full timers they apparently have. The current structure is failing and defunct. They don’t even have basic KPIs on applications. It needs reform at the very least

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Grace should be allowed to do her job (if that wasn’t clear).


isnt this a picture of Youssef watching $ATOM price since he started dumping delegators liquidity onto the market?

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This is a gross mischaracterization.
The basis of the internal review is the alleged misconduct/mismanagement described by @Patricia during the Aug 30th Strat Community call.

Patrica was compelled to share her experience of being routinely bullied and shut down by you throughout the year because you accused her of lacking “integrity” on that call.

She doesn’t lack integrity from what I’ve seen and experienced. I commend her for her resilience and commitment to doing her job despite your retaliatory behavior and threats to remove her.

The issue is Youssef, you’re so maniacally defensive. You can’t hear our concerns for what they are. When we give you feedback, you take it too personally. You resort to excessive control and hostility.

You say you “created” oversight, but it’s clear it can only exist under your GM prerogatives and terms.
By that reasoning, you never created “Oversight”.

It’s sad you weren’t able to leverage this committee as an independent partner that helps you build accountability and thereby credibility into the life of the DAO. That’s my vision for AADAO oversight. Tragic you only see it as a binary of obeisance or undermining your agenda.


AADAO hasn’t resulted in any benefits and this thread kind of highlights the needless drama it has created. Can we just entirely scrap AAdao and lower the taxes the users are paying to fund this.


AADAO hasn’t resulted in any benefits

Okay. But in case you’re actually interested in what AADAO does, the value it creates and the projects it’s funded, check out:

Can we just entirely scrap AAdao

100%. AADAO is owned by the Hub - as an ATOM staker, you are our boss. Just raise a gov prop, and the DAO contributors will abide by the outcome.

lower the taxes the users are paying to fund this

I don’t know the maths, but it’s probably something like 0.0001 cents per staked ATOM per year.
Maybe that amount is too high for bringing more utility to ATOM, accelerating its development and the growth of its ecosystem, ensuring IBC continues to function for the Cosmos Hub, and getting at least ~4.5x ROI in new airdrops for the Community Pool.

But again, as an ATOM staker, it’s definitely your perogative to dissolve AADAO, earn that extra 0.0001 cent per year, and have nothing you can do with that token bar stake and vote.

EDIT to add: this is likely my first and last public comment till the DAO collectively decides on next steps