Bro_n_Bro - Validator Profile

1/ Who Are We?

Bro_n_Bro foundation began in early 2021 as a Validator for the Cosmos Ecosystem. Shortly after joining and understanding the core and fundamental values of the ecosystem, we started relaying and expanding other services to networks and projects.

Our mission is simple: to support and develop a decentralized world. We maintain the highest standards for security and performance as well as providing the most accurate data to our community.

Our team consists of experienced engineers and analysts, creative marketers and talented designers all over the world. Bro_n_Bro is trusted by thousands of stakers. We build for decentralization until it is achieved.

2/ Validated Networks

Right now we validate on 12 chains (the number is constantly growing), as well as several testnets:

  • Cosmos Hub
  • Osmosis
  • Juno
  • Evmos
  • Stargaze
  • Bostrom
  • E-Money
  • Gravity Bridge
  • Crescent Hub
  • Omniflix
  • Desmos
  • Stride

We support autocompounding on all chains we validate. Simply go to REStake and grant permission so we can autocoumpound your daily rewards for you at zero cost - all fees are paid by us!

3/ Our Contributions

We contribute to each and every ecosystem we participate in. Here is the brief list of our contributions:

  • Bro App for easier managing #Cosmos assets
  • TG and Discord stat bots
  • Validator ratings for Cosmos Hub, Crescent Hub, Bostrom, Gravity Bridge, Osmosis, Juno, Stargaze and Stride chains
  • Monitor boards for different metrics on multiple chains
  • IBC relaying nodes
  • Open source indexer for Cosmos ecosytem (in the development)
  • Proposals tracking bot for TG
  • and more!

4/ IBC Relaying

To support the blockchain communities, we also run IBC relayers for the Cosmos ecosystem at our own expense. Currently, we have 5 relayer hubs connecting Cosmos Hub, Bostrom, Evmos, Juno, Osmosis and Gravity Bridge networks.

5/ Our Infrastructure

We take a precision approach to our infrastructure setup. Most of the nodes run on bare-metal servers distributed in several locations. We run several (at least 2) nodes per network, which allows us to use sentry architecture. Recently we started migration to our own infrastructure and own servers to improve distribution and increase protection against political/human factors, which recently became an increasingly serious threat for node operators. Every node is secured, redundant and monitored to maintain the highest uptime ratio in every chain we support.

6/ Active on-chain Governance

We are actively involved in governance, as this is key to the progress of every network. We always take into account what is best for both the network and the community, engaging on Twitter and TG group to discuss our decisions with our delegators, letting them know that they can change their vote if they disagree. We raise awareness of the importance of governance through our blog (on the website) and other networks.

7/ Join us for more info