- Don Cryptonium is Cosmos ecosystem focused content creator and validator that started validating the Cosmos Hub in 2022 itself.
- We seek 1800 ATOM as one time payment as the support for archiving podcast clips focused on cosmos ecosystem. On top I commit to creating a short video serie that educates on cosmos IBC and it’s ecosystem (5-10 videos).
- Inspired by the Cosmic Validator, who are trail blazers of the space who pave the path for content creators like us, to get funding and be able to sustain providing community with high quality content. We are truly privileged to be able to create content for community that supports not only it’s developers but also those who spread to good name of cosmos.
Don Cryptonium
I am content creator that is focused on bringing education and podcasts focused on the cosmos ecosystem.
For over 10 years I have been educator making online courses on subject of photoshop. My deep experience in that field allows me to produce high quality information and educational content for the cosmos ecosystem.
I am proud of the fact that since the market sentiment shift, Don Cryptonium continues producing equal amount of educational videos as well as the discussions of the current state of the ecosystem.
I have produced over 120 videos since Jun 2022 alone, and over 60 podcasts in the same period of time!
Which is more than other cosmos YouTube creators combined!
The Don Cryptonium is cosmos focused videos project, at the time of writing this proposal, has no funding such as grants or sponsors. Funding would ensure that we could produce high quality videos on cosmos ecosystem for its benefit educating existing and new members of community.
Work already produced
Since the launch of the project in March 2021 a total of 440 videos have already been delivered.
Don Cryptonium channel is not only producing informative videos on the ecosystem such a tutorials, proposal discussions, events. But also is first channel who gave platform to validators, small creators and app builders.
Below are example of live chats:
Interview with Shane Vitarana (stargaze): Stargaze - Future of NFTs with Shane Vitarana - YouTube
Interview with Dimi (Juno): Chat with Dimi - Juno Core Member - YouTube
Interview with Zaki Manian: Cosmos Chat with Zaki Manian - YouTube
Interview with Matt Bell (comic): Bitcoin on Cosmos is Here - Chat with Nomic Co-Founder - YouTube
Interview with Kevin Garrison (One): Chat with Kevin Garrison - Oni Validator, Terra Dev Fund - YouTube
Interview with The Frey (Juno): Social Media on Juno - with The-Frey - YouTube
Interview with Zeke (Dao Dao): Chat with Ekez - Juno, DAO DAO, Stargaze - YouTube
Interview with Catdotfish (ICF): Cat with an Interchain Cat - Cosmos Hub - YouTube
Interview with Asaf Morami (Secret Network): Secret Network and it's Privacy Applications - Chat with Assaf Morami - YouTube
Interview with Reena (citadel One): Reena from Citatel ONE - Cosmos Ecosystem - YouTube
Interview with Jake Hartnel (Juno, Stargaze, Dao Dao): Conversation with Jake Hartnell - DAO DAO, Juno, Stargaze - YouTube
Interview with Spaydth (Neutron): NEUTRON coming to Cosmos - Conversation with Spaydh - YouTube
Interview with Vishal (stride): Conversation with Vishal - Stride Zone - Liquid Staking on Cosmos - YouTube
Interview with Gjermund (Empower Chain): Circular Economy on Cosmos - Empower Chain - YouTube
Interview with Deborah (Althea, Gravity Bridge): Deborah Builds Cosmos Chains - Althea, Gravity Bridge, Sommelier - YouTube
Interview with Sunny (Osmosis): Sunny Aggarwal - Osmosis and ATOM 2.0 - YouTube
Interview with Dan Lynch (Cosmology): Cosmology - Live Chat with Dan Lynch - YouTube
Debate With Sam Hart about Atom 2.0: Atom 2.0 Concerns with Sam Hart - YouTube
Interview with Sam Hart (ICF): Sam Hart (Interchain) - Whats Next for Cosmos - YouTube
Interview With Josh Lee: Cosmos Hub Is Corrupted - Prop 89 - YouTube
Below are some examples of educational/in-depth videos:
Keplr Tutorial: Guide to Keplr Wallet - Cosmos, Juno, Osmosis, Stargaze - YouTube
Stargaze Marketplace: Stargaze Marketplace Is Out! - YouTube
Bitcoin on Cosmos (Nomic): Bitcoin on Cosmos is Here - Mainnet June 22 - YouTube
DyDx Coming to Cosmos: Biggest Cosmos News Yet! - DYDX moving to Cosmos - YouTube
Explaining Comos Eco: Cosmos is Home - Here is Why - YouTube
Why Decentralising Validators Matters: Huge Validators Are The Problem - Cosmos Ecosystem - YouTube
Agoric and Juno Tokenomics: Bad Tokenomics - Juno Network and Agoric - YouTube
Explaining Nomic: Bitcoin on Cosmos - More than Bridge - NOMIC - YouTube
Stargaze Fees Explained: Stargaze is Sharing Income with YOU - Cosmos Ecosystem - YouTube
Guide example to DAO DAO: Stake Juno with Your DAO - DAO DAO tooling - YouTube
Liquid Staking on Cosmos: Liquid Staking on Cosmos - Which Protocol is Best? - YouTube
Stride Key Points: Stride Liquid Staking on Cosmos - Key Points - YouTube
Cosmos Validators: Cosmos Validators - How to Choose Validator to Stake - YouTube
USDC coming to Cosmos: USDC on Cosmos DONE - YouTube
Stargaze 2.0: Cosmos NFTs - More Than JPGs - YouTube
Nomic Testnet Tutorial: NOMIC Testnet Aidrop - Send Bitcoin via IBC - YouTube
How to Bridge Metamask to Cosmos: Bridge Metamask to Cosmos Ecosystem - YouTube
Stargaze Tokenomics: Stargaze Tokenomics - Cosmos Ecosystem - YouTube
Osmo Liquid Staking Guide: Osmosis is Made for Liquid Staking - Cosmos Ecosystem - YouTube
Intro to Neutron: What is Neutron - Cosmos Consumer Chain - YouTube
Guide to Deploying NFT collection on Stargaze:
Leap wallet Guide: Best Cosmos Wallet ? - Atom, Stars, Juno - YouTube
Guide to Umee: Aave on Cosmos - Umee App Chain - YouTube
Appchain future: What is Cosmos IBC - Appchain Future - YouTube
Agoric and Inter Protocol Introduction: Agoric and Inter Protocol - Stablecoin of Cosmos Ecosystem? - YouTube
Look at the upcoming Cosmos Ecosystem Chains: IBC Will Explode - Cosmos Ecosystem | Celestia, Penumbra, Umee - YouTube
Proposal details
The Cosmos ecosystem, with the launch of IBC, has grown significantly and it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of all the important developments and updates. While news is shared on several platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, Blogs and others, the information is very spread and usually challenging for stakeholders to find it and avoid missing some important updates. Some projects exist trying to gather and putting together the main news, however these are mostly news headlines without in-depth assessments or educational content.
Keeping Cosmos stakeholders aligned and informed about important developments in areas such as governance, new technical features, project launches and upgrades or conferences is important and helps to have more constructive discussions.
Our goal with the Cosmos ecosystem news videos is to both educate and keep the broad Cosmos ecosystem community and stakeholders well informed, as well as helping to onboard new users to the ecosystem and increase the awareness about the advantages of building with Cosmos tech.
The funds will be used to extract clips from hundreds hours of interviews. There is huge amount of clips with ecosystem builders that could be extracted and used as open source materials for any project and any builder in cosmos in their own social media channels.
While Don Cryptonium will continue producing high quality podcasts and educational videos on his channel.
Funding amount
Total amount requested: 1800 ATOM for an initial period of 6 months, with a renewal if all deliverables are completed.
This corresponds to roughly 16 000 USD and covers the production costs of ecosystem news videos, tutorials and podcasts, including research and content preparation, filming and the required equipment, video design, editing and additional operational costs.
Governance votes
The following items summarize the voting options and what it means for this proposal:
YES - You agree that educating and keeping all Cosmos ecosystem stakeholders informed and updated is important and thus wish to fund Don Cryptonium’s work
NO - You don’t agree that educating and keeping all Cosmos ecosystem stakeholders informed and updated is important and thus do not agree to fund Don Cryptonium’s work
NO WITH VETO - A ‘NoWithVeto’ vote indicates a proposal either (1) is deemed to be spam, i.e., irrelevant to Cosmos Hub, (2) disproportionately infringes on minority interests, or (3) violates or encourages violation of the rules of engagement as currently set out by Cosmos Hub governance. If the number of ‘NoWithVeto’ votes is greater than a third of total votes, the proposal is rejected and the deposits are burned.
ABSTAIN - You wish to contribute to the quorum but formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.