[DRAFT PROPOSAL] Authorize DAO DAO Deployment


The initial Cosmos Hub x DAO DAO proposal has been on the forum since June 13th. Given the positive support thus far in public and private, and given that DAO DAO is a critical requirement for the upcoming launch of the Hydro platform, we will be posting this on-chain by the end of this week.

With CosmWasm recently going live on the Cosmos Hub, this is the first ever contract upload whitelist proposal. In order to launch smart contracts on a permissioned CosmWasm chain, like the Hub, governance needs to vote to whitelist the address of the deployer.

This proposal allows our wallet (cosmos1559zgk3mxm00qtr0zu2x5n4rh5vw704qaqj6ap) to deploy contracts. Once this is done, we will deploy the latest audited version of the contracts, and DAO DAO will be live on daodao.zone.


With DAO DAO, Cosmos projects and communities have immediate access to best-in-class DAO tooling without needing to build their own governance modules, smart contracts, UI, and more. Try it today: https://daodao.zone

Our mission is to build better, more flexible governance systems. Getting governance right is crucial to the success of decentralized communities, protocols, and entire blockchains, and DAO DAO makes it as easy as clicking a few buttons to experiment with and scale governance infrastructure.

Today, over $300M is managed by 5,226 DAO DAO DAOs across 11 chains (and growing). Our smart contracts and UI have been battle tested by 12,754 proposals encompassing 33,091 unique DAO members for over 2 years. Over $1M (and many, many hours) have been put into the necessary research and development, as well as the perfection of each feature, with a solid chunk devoted to numerous security audits.

Among other use cases, DAO DAO is a critical governance component in the upcoming Hydro platform. This is one of the key reasons why the Atom Accelerator DAO is supporting this deployment of DAO DAO.

The biggest features we aim to bring to the Cosmos Hub:

  • Token DAOs and Membership (multisig-like) DAOs
  • Beautiful UI for making proposals, voting, and exploring DAOs
  • Cross-Chain Accounts via Polytone
  • Vesting and Retroactive Payment solutions
  • Sophisticated organizational structures using SubDAOs and Authz

And much more:

  • Treasury spends, swaps, and historical graphs
  • Staking management
  • Veto and approval flows
  • NFT creation and management
  • On-chain, governance gated key / value store
  • Proposal inbox
  • Customizable DAO widgets
  • DAO Press: publishing tools for a DAO-run blog, official communications, and more
  • Bulk actions import
  • Smart contract management (instantiate, execute, migrate, update admin)
  • DAO-run validators (check out ours here: DAO DAO Validator)
  • Push and email notifications
  • Mobile-friendly UI
  • Member and proposal vote CSV downloads
  • Chain governance proposal UI
  • Embedded Apps UI
  • etc.

Our immediate roadmap includes:

  • Staking rewards
  • Voting delegations
  • Treasury rebalancing management
  • Voting with locked vesting tokens
  • Built-in forums
  • …and more

Polytone Interchain Accounts and Queries

In addition to DAO DAO contracts, the Cosmos Hub will receive Polytone to allow for accounts, smart contracts, or DAOs on the Hub to control accounts on other chains, and vice versa.

We are excited for the new possibilities that will be unlocked for developers and the wider Cosmos community. For example, a smart contract (or DAO) on another CosmWasm chain can control an account on the Hub to stake and interact with dApps. Cosmos teams can also use it to manage outposts across the Interchain. Moreover, Polytone includes an easy to use Interchain Queries implementation, allowing for smart contracts on other chains to reliably query information from the Hub.



DAO Contracts: GitHub - DA0-DA0/dao-contracts: CosmWasm smart contracts for Interchain DAOs.

DAO DAO UI: GitHub - DA0-DA0/dao-dao-ui: InterChain DAO tooling UI.

Polytone: GitHub - DA0-DA0/polytone: An account on every blockchain for every smart contract.

Vote options

The following items summarize the voting options and what they mean for this proposal:


You agree that this proposal was created by the DAO DAO team, and you wish to allow our wallet (cosmos1559zgk3mxm00qtr0zu2x5n4rh5vw704qaqj6ap) to deploy the DAO DAO CosmWasm smart contracts on the Cosmos Hub.


You do not wish to authorize our wallet (cosmos1559zgk3mxm00qtr0zu2x5n4rh5vw704qaqj6ap) to deploy the DAO DAO CosmWasm smart contracts on the Cosmos Hub, or you believe this proposal or wallet to not belong to the DAO DAO team.


You wish to contribute to the quorum but formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.


You believe this proposal either (1) is deemed to be spam, i.e., irrelevant to the Cosmos Hub, (2) disproportionately infringes on minority interests, or (3) violates or encourages violation of the rules of engagement as currently set out by Cosmos Hub governance. If the number of NoWithVeto votes is greater than 1/3 of total votes, the proposal is rejected and the deposit is burned.


I was thrilled to see the enthusiastic response to the initial Cosmos Hub x DAO DAO post. This initiative by DAO DAO marks a significant milestone for the Cosmos Hub, especially with the recent activation of CosmWasm. The introduction of the first-ever contract upload whitelist proposal is a testament to the evolving capabilities of the Cosmos Hub.

The impressive track record of DAO DAO, managing over $300M across 11 chains with thousands of active DAOs, underscores its robustness and reliability. The deployment of DAO DAO on the Cosmos Hub will bring a suite of advanced features, including token DAOs, cross-chain accounts, and sophisticated organizational structures, all designed to empower the Cosmos Hub community with the tools needed for effective governance.

By voting “Yes” on this proposal, we collectively take a decisive step towards a more decentralized and resilient future. This vote not only supports the deployment of DAO DAO’s CosmWasm smart contracts but also signifies our collective commitment to enhancing governance within the Cosmos Hub. I would encourage all community members to carefully consider the proposal and the transformative impact it could have if this proposal is passed & DAO DAO is deployed on the Cosmos Hub.

-Carter Woetzel (AADAO Strategy Committee)


There’s a profound poetry in DAO DAO becoming the first CosmWasm application whitelisted on the Cosmos Hub. The Hub’s most defining feature - for better or worse - has always been its renowned on-chain governance.

If we’re truly committed to the ideals of decentralization, transparency, and accountability, then embracing tooling like DAO DAO isn’t just beneficial - it’s essential. DAO DAO empowers decentralized communities to manage their payments, treasuries, and internal governance with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

By dramatically lowering the barriers to entry for becoming a DAO, DAO DAO is catalyzing the emergence of new teams and projects in truly decentralized settings.



Thank you @noahsaso for bringing this up. Deploying DAO DAO is by all means a necessary step to keep the Hub’s governance experience up to date and user friendly, as well as scale the phenomenon of governance and engage more individuals in forums and voting.

Woud be great too se some kind of roadmap/execution timeframe for these features:

" The biggest features we aim to bring to the Cosmos Hub:

  • Token DAOs and Membership (multisig-like) DAOs
  • Beautiful UI for making proposals, voting, and exploring DAOs
  • Cross-Chain Accounts via Polytone
  • Vesting and Retroactive Payment solutions
  • Sophisticated organizational structures using SubDAOs and Authz"

Just voted YES for DAO DAO on the Hub.

  • Beautiful UI for making proposals, voting, and exploring DAOs

Does this mean there is some changes/improvement planed for the UI ?
Is this for the Hub DAO or the application itself ?

Because this seems to be more on the DAO DAO team side than ours as the platform is generalist with all chains “plugging” to it

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They’ll all be ready at the same time!

We’re hoping to get everything live the same day the proposal passes :slight_smile:

If not the same day, then within the week.


Ah, well this is just a list of features that DAO DAO supports. We think our UI is beautiful :grin:

And we support native Hub governance already:

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Thank you, looking forward to seeing this!

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There are two things that bother me
firstly withelisted address , this means that this address will have the capacity to deploy as many things as it wants!?
Secondly, the cosmos sdk group module was developed for this, I don’t see the use of daodao when a native module already implements this functionality !?

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Strong support for DAODAO deploying.

Very few things should be deployed on the Cosmos Hub imo, but DAODAO’s tooling is incredible compared to the native groups module and is a perfect companion app to the Cosmos Hub’s strong point of decentralized governance.

From personal experience, once DAODAO deployed on Osmosis, I stopped using the native module entirely and now actively hate being forced to use it to execute actions on chains that do not have the DAODAO integration.