We are getting the following error in the logs of our validator:
10:21AM INF commit is for a block we do not know about; set ProposalBlock=nil commit=C109A5A72B5520E99824A3E274C74EE25E0A304E8DCC0BCCF15FDF9C115CDF3B commit_round=0 height=12750921 module=consensus proposal=
10:26AM INF commit is for a block we do not know about; set ProposalBlock=nil commit=A508BDDD2D92A5D734D9A242A210BA778FF4ECA5C062D6FBAA6DCEA98217E47E commit_round=0 height=12750972 module=consensus proposal=
It appears after we see a missed block in the explorer.
Is this normal? Have you seen this in your logs? Any insights or pointers will be greatly appreciated.
Showed it to a devOps. They didnt say much. Just that its hard to say =)
Possibly because it missed the block, the node takes time to catch up with the set so to speak and after it resynchs it spits this out. Maybe the node is too heavy, maybe the storage is too slow, etc. Wild guesses here
Yeah, the error is too generic. Our validator is on-premises with enterprise grade hardware and nvme disks and has plenty of resources. Sentries are in AWS. Network connectivity also looks healthy. So, we are stuck…