Panic: Failed to process committed block

I[2019-07-31|16:17:00.127] Executed block module=state height=10445 validTxs=0 invalidTxs=1
I[2019-07-31|16:17:00.131] Committed state module=state height=10445 txs=1 appHash=23D827043ED8336D9F0155BE667E004E64225F5C324483F270D117AD52B5CD77
panic: Failed to process committed block (10446:ABCD50764CA3D66481B8510A0FEC36EF8BAFC982257F704A26D89A0E5D6EE5F0): Wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 23D827043ED8336D9F0155BE667E004E64225F5C324483F270D117AD52B5CD77, got 474CCA25B2522377DC8483BE35A6581B36137877789E5D831C4DA0F1BCDB2B8D

goroutine 96 [running]:*BlockchainReactor).poolRoutine(0xc0009b01a0)
/home/ubuntu/goWorkPlace/src/ +0x1542
created by*BlockchainReactor).OnStart
/home/ubuntu/goWorkPlace/src/ +0x84

You might be using an outdated version of the software

You need use v0.34.7 to synch cosmoshub-2

cosmos-sdk version is 0.35.0, in my own testnet

Possibly a bug in your testnet code? Are you running stock software or your own code?

I run on my own testnet, I change the cosmos-sdk code, so the data hava some problems. Now I already deploy again, it’s noramal.

Dear cosmos forum: got the attached error similar to the one in this thread. Running gaiad v0.34.10. Any suggestions to fix? Thanks!

Can you give more detail about it? What did you do?

Node was synced until block height 2,808,192. It regularly showed errors from the peers (e.g., too many open files, dial tcp timeout, connection failed at recvRoutine) but most of the console output was executed block/committed state.

Edit: updated with error when I try to restart the node

Did you change the initial height?@Scott

No, synced from block 0.

Maybe it is the data error. You can try following command. @Scott
cd ~/.gaiad/data
rm -rf !(priv_validator_state.json)
vim priv_validator_state.json
1、Remaing these fileds, and delete others
“height”: “0”,
“round”: “0”,
“step”: 0
2、Start the gaia