Error Dialing Peers - running full node

I’m using the Persisted Peer field that’s mentioned here
But it says in this log Error creating peer (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468`

Are these Persisted Field values I’m getting from each node okay? Correct string concatenation of values?

I[07-22|08:11:17.511] Ensure peers                                 module=p2p numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
I[07-22|08:11:17.511] No addresses to dial nor connected peers. Falling back to seeds module=p2p
I[07-22|08:11:17.511] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=eb3046655c7060873ee1373bc448b076e3607f78@
E[07-22|08:11:17.934] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468)}" seed=eb3046655c7060873ee1373bc448b076e3607f78@
I[07-22|08:11:17.934] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=0bef4d891563427a9d938320c025a4545e558f03@
E[07-22|08:11:18.613] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468)}" seed=0bef4d891563427a9d938320c025a4545e558f03@
I[07-22|08:11:18.614] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=1414f575cff6274772aa1474fa758d307a29a364@
E[07-22|08:11:19.074] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468)}" seed=1414f575cff6274772aa1474fa758d307a29a364@
I[07-22|08:11:19.074] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=89d7049746ce2ea0b12a229b10666da011f4f371@
E[07-22|08:11:19.188] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468)}" seed=89d7049746ce2ea0b12a229b10666da011f4f371@
I[07-22|08:11:19.188] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=ab7f12838bd4ecba08631208acc582ea09896f6e@
E[07-22|08:11:19.333] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468)}" seed=ab7f12838bd4ecba08631208acc582ea09896f6e@
I[07-22|08:11:19.333] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=46ea4e2606764dfa504ef7f3b1f813b166a77a1b@
E[07-22|08:11:19.943] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: Expected field type 496E74657266616365, got 427974654C656E677468)}" seed=46ea4e2606764dfa504ef7f3b1f813b166a77a1b@
E[07-22|08:11:19.943] Couldn't connect to any seeds                module=p2p

looks like right values in the string, if you compare to the section ‘Connecting To Peers’ from these Tendermint docs

There’s an open issue for that:

thanks I reviewed the GithubIssue and its solution - so I removed addrbook.json and didn’t have any value for private_peer_ids in config.toml. Still getting same error.

The instructions says to use the Persistent Peer value (from cosmos explorer nodes) as seed, but there’s also a persistent_peers field in config.toml so maybe it should go there? If i try that I can get a slightly different error:

I[07-25|12:28:56.926] Dialing peer                                 module=p2p address=7c8b8fd03577cd4817f5be1f03d506f879df98d8@
E[07-25|12:28:57.121] Error dialing peer                           module=p2p err="Error{`Error creating peer` (cause: dial tcp i/o timeout)}"

I wanted to find some new addresses to put in config.toml but Cosmos Explorer is down.

I’ll keep posted

The last testnet halted and the explorer is still pointed thwre. We are bringing the network back up today and the explorer should be available again at that time.