[PROPOSAL #34][ACCEPTED] Luna Mission - Funding $ATOM

Thanks for the response Ethan:
Here is the analysis of the amount and approximate plan of actions. Since it may deviate as to the scope of actions we decided to not put it word by word although my original draft included all those.

A. Thought Leader Engagement (Total Allocation 63,385 ATOMS):

The campaign will allocate :

5555 ATOM each to 7 major youtube thought leaders with a minimum reach of 100k followers and 3500 ATOM each to 7 major Twitter thought leaders with a minimum of 50k followers.

The thought leaders will receive payments in either ATOM or USD at the end of each month during the three month engagement.

Promotional work expected :

Youtube thought leaders:

At least 1 review each month for 3 months (at least 20 min each)

Twitter thought leaders:

At least 3 quality posts per week for 3 months

The Committee/AiB shall undertake to :

Educate thought leaders - among others - on the merits of the Cosmos Hub, ATOM2021 initiative, IBC, Bridges and the upcoming AMMs. AiB will coordinate drafting/signing the agreements with thought leaders. AiB will contact and get thought leaders signed ahead of the initiative.

Manner of release of ATOM payments :

Mutli-sig Committee which in turn will release funds to AiB

B. Meme Contest (Total Allocation 5,823 ATOMS):

The campaign will allocate :

100 individuals per month will receive awards in $ATOM in the following manner over 3 distinct monthly contests, one per each month.

Meme Prizes: 1941 $ATOM per month/competition ie 5823 $ATOM total for 3 months:

  1. 300 ATOM

  2. 200 ATOM

  3. 150 ATOM

4-10 70 ATOM each

11-15 50 ATOM each

16-20 30 ATOM each

21-50 12 ATOM each

51-100 7 ATOM each

Promotional and other work expected :

Multi-sig Committee and AiB will coordinate in promoting the contest; we expect social media engagement and participation from all members, holders, validators, delegators, teams of the Cosmos-Hub.

To enter the competition users will need to complete a meme that centres strictly around $ATOM and its value proposition. Users should post the meme on Twitter and add the following tags $ATOM @Atomviral #Cosmos - Only ATOM related memes will qualify.

Every day the @Atomviral account managed by the marketing campaign admins will retweet & like the 10 best memes of each day. At the end of the month the top 20 competitors will receive prizes based on how many times they landed in the daily top 10 as well as the engagement their tweets received. Judgement over winners will be at the discretion of the committee. Once a Campaign is complete prizes will be distributed and the following campaign will start.

AiB is expected to use its talent and use some nice graphics for the promotion of the competition.

Manner of release of ATOM payments :

Mutli-sig Committee will release tokens directly to winners at the end of each period

C. Banner advertising with CMC, Coingecko, Staking Rewards (60,000 ATOMS):

We deem All 3 platforms equally important for maximum exposure to the whole crypto space (CMC, CoinGecko) and delegators’ specialist sites where people who stake will be enticed to opt for delegating their ATOMS (Staking Rewards)

Promotional and other work expected/role of multi-sig committee AiB :

Optimum is for these campaigns to run for three consecutive months; AiB should be providing a financial plan to this end to the Multi-sig committee

AiB will commence all communications with CMC & Coingecko whereas Staking Rewards have submitting an offer already; the multi-sig committee will release funds to AiB in respect to each of those promotional activities.

AiB’s talent should be engaged/utilised for designing $ ATOM related material/banners, pointing to pages within the cosmos.network webpage (indicatively: Stargate, ATOM2021 initiative, IBC etc) on all three platforms above and coordinate with them.

Maximum reach is required. Thus, on top of the amount allocated by our community, we expect AiB to resource own funds to this end (adding funds to extend length of time these campaigns shall remain active).

Manner of release of ATOM payments :

Mutli-sig Committee will release funds to AiB