PROPOSAL #90 [REJECTED] Community Health research, analytics and benchmarking

In light of recent events, after seeing the product demo, and given that foundational tools are important for building strong structures, I would fully support this proposal.

RnDAO’s work is consistently high-quality, and it would be helpful for the community to take a more methodical approach to measuring and improving community health. Additionally, the community health tool could benefit the Cosmos ecosystem as a whole, as you mentioned:

In line with what @LeonoorsCryptoman said, perhaps we can arrange a call to gather others’ feedback, and start moving toward an on-chain proposal.

Here are proposed steps forward with that in mind:

  • arrange a preliminary call with interested stakeholders (by December 1st)
    • goal: determine a proposal pipeline (how can we get more eyes on the proposal, who do we need to coordinate with, when should we put the proposal on-chain, etc.)
  • input a last-call date for the proposal draft and share the proposal across relevant platforms, such as twitter, telegram
  • host twitter spaces event for the community to learn about the proposal
  • put proposal on-chain

If anyone else is interested in participating in the preliminary call, please leave a comment below and we can work to arrange a call for the week of December 5th. Additionally, I’ve created an open telegram group (you can join by clicking here) to discuss the details of the above proposed path forward, such as call-time planning, twitter space coordination, and other items that are easier-communicated off-forum.

What are all of your thoughts (@danielo, @LeonoorsCryptoman, @lexa, @catdotfish) on that path forward and method of collaborating?

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