[PROPOSAL] Set Max Inflation at 10%

Strongly against this proposal for several reasons:

-EffortCapital is already proposing and discussing a similar idea, so why are you trying to rush things with this separated proposal now?

-Excuse me but this doesn’t only affect stakers, it affects ALSO validators, especially the smaller ones which are buried already in CCs costs. While EffortCapital and others are suggesting ideas to improve this such as the VP tax, you just suggest to bury small validators further?

-The 50% individual validator cap was never mentioned or discussed in the signalling proposal about the LSM, you quietly introduced this parameter. It is very telling that iqlusion is the only large validator voting no in the proposal to disable this parameter

-The minimum 5% fee proposal passed so this would already decrease the overall APR for stakers and moreover the proposed VP tax would also decrease the overall APR. The 5% minimum fee would already lead stakers to the LSM for higher yields

-All new consumer chain costs are covered by validators not stakers, you decrease inflation to penalize stakers, but you also affect negatively small validators running consumer chains!

-What do you have against small validators Zaki seriously? Let’s look at iqlusion, around 97% uptime in the last 3 months, around 50% overall governance participation, with 10% commission and almost in top 30 by VP you could have the resources to improve uptime, governance and perform upgrades faster?

-Inflation transfers wealth from those NOT staking ATOM to those staking. If you reduce inflation what you do is benefit those not staking. You think stakers are overpaid? Then small validators are UNDERPAID. The solution is ideas like the VP tax which puts a tax in stakers of the largest validators to fix 2 problems: reduce centralization, allow small validator to cover costs for multiple consumer chains

-It is not so simple as reduce inflation=price increase, look at what happened with Osmosis and others after large inflation reductions. The situation currently is very very tough with such low ATOM price and APR low as well compared to earlier this year, and what do you suggest? You don’t even think about small validators in your equation, you just suggest to cut inflation to 10% because according to you ‘stakers are overpaid’, but by doing this remember you not only affect stakers but small validators also!