Everything you say here is speculation. If the monetary characteristics of ATOM stabilize at max 10% inflation, it may lead to higher staking percentages as people would want to stake a token that is increasing in value. That is the experience at other blockchains like Solana and Avalanche. For some reason you view 20% as some magic number that is the correct number and so far you haven’t given justification for it.
I can tell you why 7-8% inflation would be a first principles correct number. I already made this argument elsewhere in this thread, but I will make it again, for one last time:
Population grows at 1-1.5% per year for big countries. Population + productivity growth gives you about 2-3% GDP growth per year. Notice this number includes all people in the population - old, young, productive and unproductive, public and private sector. The most productive part of the economy - the best of the private sector - S&P500 - grows at 8-10% per year. The most productive part of the S&P500 is the tech industry which grows 15-20% per year.
If you are building a system that wants to reach 1 billion people, you are most likely going to able to support only 2-3% inflation since 1 billion people is 3x the US. If you make assumptions that globally only the most productive 1 billion people will use Cosmos, then you can make the case for 7-8% inflation - productivity comparable to the S&P 500. This is a very aggressive expectation, BTW. When you set inflation at 15-20% you are saying that only the most productive part of the S&P500 will use Cosmos. That’s a very unrealistic long term expectation. Thus if the ATOM inflation remains at 14% as it has so far over the past 2 years, the ATOM price will trend towards zero given that global monetary aggregates grow at 4%.
As far as what will “ATOM halving geniuses” going to do, they can always put another proposal in to increase max inflation back to 20% if this settings change does not work out. What we do know however over the past 2 years is that 20% max inflation has not resulted in achieve 2/3 bonding target and the reason why it hasn’t is because ATOM is not a fiat currency. It’s monetary characteristics are clearly being eroded by a supply setting featuring too high inflation.
This is going to be my last post on this thread because I feel like I am going around in circles arguing with imbeciles. You are not presenting any arguments of substance other than “I am a Jae Kwon follower and the prophet has said 20%”. A lot of ATOM holders think the tokenomics aren’t well designed because they are losing money in a year where everybody else in crypto has doubled their money.
If fiat monetary value does not matter to the people who issued ATOM, why is ATOM being sold for fiat on exchanges? If I am going to lose all my money in this investment because of the issuer is a lunatic who doesn’t understand economics - or worse yet - defrauded me on purpose, you might want to look where that attitude got SBF and Do Kwon. When I bought ATOM first in 2020 it had 7% inflation, that 7% inflation was set by the dev teams. Then 4 years later in 2023, I find myself holding a 14% inflation token and the self correcting mechanism that Jae Kwon was selling is not working to bring inflation down to 7%. We have a problem here. If tokens are sold for fiat and are listed on exchanges, there are economic promises that are being made that currently aren’t being fulfilled.
Long story short, I don’t think there is any network that can grow 20% in perpetuity and for that reason max inflation setting of 20% makes absolutely no sense from an economic perspective and I want it lowered to a number that has economic justification.