Regen Network Testnet - 1000

Regen Ledger Testnet -1000 will focus on testing a coordinated upgrade module. This is an important feature for improving the coordination and ease upgrading a live chain that does not have breaking changes. We will be practicing governance by enabling modules of Regen Ledger including DAO functionality and data base of ecological state. This will give the community the opportunity to achieve three main goals:

  1. Test the coordinated upgrade module and feed back any issues to the cosmos hub and cosmos SDK community
  2. Test key Regen Ledger functions built for our application specific goals of a censorship resistant ecological ledger and contracting platform.
  3. Coordinate around governance process.

For a look at the upgrade module please see this cosmos SDK pull request:

Here is a great tutorial by the CypherCore team on setting up a Regen Ledger Node:

And here are instructions for creating the gentx from gaia: Just replace gaiad with xrnd and as a convention please delegate 1000000tree tokens to the validator in genesis.