I am testing SoftwareUpgradeProposal
When I tested simapp, I could not run
cosmovisor start
Error: error during handshake: error on replay: validator set is nil in genesis and still empty after InitChain
I just followed the direction on document but just got error.
And then I tested my own app with cosmos sdk,
I didn’t get any error but I didn’t find any updated log.
appd query gov proposal 1
‘@type’: /cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal
description: upgrade
height: “100”
info: “”
name: test1
time: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”
upgraded_client_state: null
title: upgrade-demo
deposit_end_time: “2021-07-22T04:21:42.224155Z”
abstain: “0”
“no”: “0”
no_with_veto: “0”
“yes”: “0”
proposal_id: “1”
submit_time: “2021-07-20T04:21:42.224155Z”
= amount: “10000”
denom: mtoken
voting_end_time: “2021-07-22T04:21:42.224155Z”
voting_start_time: “2021-07-20T04:21:42.224155Z”
appd query gov votes 1
next_key: null
total: “0”
proposal_id: “1”
voter: mtoken1gz0mm7pc85elp0dvyp6axptelu7q7ez2ucxsmf
After submitting proposal, I voted to the proposal and then I put new compiled binary file to
$DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/test1/bin like the document above.
However, I could not find any change. Even I didn’t find any log related to change.
Is that correct way? What I miss? Also to upgrade software upgrade, the submitting proposal is enough?
I found proposal in upgrade module content.
I am confused if I tested in correct way.
Also I am suspecting mindeposit, voting period(Here I can see 2 days) and number of vote threshold(I don’t know this but I just voted by myself only for the proposal).
I am not sure I set them well and I don’t know how to change them to make the proposal works.
Thank you for answering in advance