Tracking payments from iqlusion to north Korea

From bosmonosmo

Anyone else got the time to check the transactions of the NK devs? 

I looked and the 2 transactions the the “fbi” says went to NK did end up there but the issue is that the payments were sent from inqlusions business wallet to an address that’s different from the one Zaki said was the contractors wallets.

Here’s the 2 transactions.

They go directly from the wallet Zaki identifies as being iqlusion to the wallet that the fbi is asking about.

Wallet Zaki identifies as iqlusion

Wallet FBI is asking questions about

“Contractor wallets”
Address 1:

Address 2: 0x4C83150FD1fbfa031F3cD8C416F57409DE98372F

So I jumped in and I checked and he was right

Transactions went directly from iqlusion to the wallet the fbi is asking questions about. One of the contractor wallets has never received a tx or made one.

“Contractor wallets”
Address 1:

There’s nothing here at all

Address 2: 0x4C83150FD1fbfa031F3cD8C416F57409DE98372F

This one has a history, with payments from kraken, which could be iqlusion.

Don’t jump to any conclusions. I assume that there is missing context. However, it is very safe to say that the community should have been informed that the liquidity staking module, which is currently securing, or not securing, over a billion dollars, was built by North Korean military, which is funded in large part by stealing cryptocurrency.

If not the community, then the ICF, which hired iqlusion and paid for the work.

When I was asked to do work on lsm, without being told who the past contributors were, and learned from freaking Coindesk that they were the north Korean state, all trust went out the window

Here’s a related post


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