Tuckermint - A Radically Decentralized Alternative to Tendermint

A good project to be a part of from the community.hope you guys get what you started.

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interesting movements likely

wen tuckermint IBC??


Tuckermint is reborn!

I just created the TUCK CW20 token on Juno using Juno Mint.
This is the token address: Mintscan - Chain explorer by COSMOSTATION

Sunny, once CW20 tokens are implemented in Osmosis, please consider adding the TUCK token.

Here is the logo: https://i.imgur.com/AYsXeuz.jpg


Wasn’t the whole point that Tuckermint has to be its own chain, why is it on Juno???

We tried to make our own chain, it didn’t work very well.
We have a much better shot at making a successful Juno project since we don’t need to run validators etc.

Thank you for your interest!