Sorry for my mistake. value field is in ~/.gaiad/config/genesis.json, under public_key field. It looks like a kind of expression for binary public key.
And what is the relationship between node id and public key? Go-amino or something?
@jack Is it possible to remove these prefixes or have custom prefixes for our projects when using cosmos-sdk?
Also, can I generate the usual cosmos address with cosmosaccaddr prefix for my wallet and later change the address to my own prefix? Is it just a matter of changing the prefix?
It is not possible at the moment. I just commented here: with a proposal for how to go about doing the change, feel free to take a stab at implementation.
You can’t just change the prefix, as the prefix is part of how the rest of it is encoded. Bech32 has error correction, which is a really nice property, and it makes use of the prefix as a part of that.
@valardragon thanks a lot for your response. I will checkout the other link. Is it possible to extract Public Key from just the Bech32 address? I notice a function (GetAccPubKeyBech32) in types/account.go which seems to indicate that it is possible. Just wanted to double check.
Bech32 is just an encoding. If your Bech32 a pubkey, then you can recover the pubkey from it. If you bech32 an address, then you can only recover the address. The name of the prefix is intended to indicate which it is.