Why do we need a constitution?

A constitution provides a clear, commonly agreed-upon baseline to establish essential rules and definitions that the entire community can collectively align with. Importantly, a well-constructed constitutional framework should be ratified by governance and require a supermajority vote with a substantial quorum to ensure its legitimacy.

It is essential to clarify that such a constitution is not intended to slow growth but to facilitate it by removing ambiguity. Its primary goals are to:

  1. Define clear boundaries and acceptable practices.
  2. Provide precise definitions for key technical terms, avoiding misuse or misinterpretation of network properties.

These objectives ensure transparency and reliability without introducing unnecessary philosophical complexity. On this point, we draw valuable lessons from the GovGen chain’s constitutional process, particularly its structured approach to rules and definitions. For the Cosmos Hub, we advocate for a narrower scope—focused on clarity and utility—while taking inspiration from the exceptional groundwork established there.

We are open to further discussions on alternative goals, but firmly believe this approach brings a net benefit to the ecosystem.

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