An organizational psychology perspective on Cosmos (with a few initial recommendations)

Hi, I’m Rob, I’m a work psychologist, and a few weeks ago I attended Cosmoverse in Istanbul and met a bunch of you, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of my observations and thoughts. Just FYI, I’m not much of a crypto expert, and I’m not technical at all, but I’m a friend of Sebastien’s, and I’ve had a positive opinion of the Cosmos ecosystem after having attended the past two Nebular Summits. I knew a little bit about the history of Cosmos and some of the related dramas – and, in my line of work, drama and conflict are things I gravitate to, so I’ve been intrigued to learn more for a while. Cosmoverse did not disappoint.

Let me start by saying that I love (and seek out) working with people who have two key traits: a passion for building a better world, and a humility that building a better world is really, really hard. I felt that authenticity and curiosity from almost everyone I talked to – that’s not something I see in every organization I meet, so it’s worth acknowledging and applauding.

As a whole, Cosmos exhibits very strong shared values, some of which are: kindness, curiosity, fairness, intelligence, industriousness, humility, autonomy, and democracy. I’m sure I’m missing some, and I could go into more detail on each of these, but for now let’s just leave them here.

Cosmos is – especially compared with other blockchain communities I’m familiar with – not a cult! There is true diversity in the ecosystem, as well as a healthy dose of skepticism. It’s a big tent, which is ideal for growth at the levels of ambition it has. There is an impressive level of self-awareness throughout the ecosystem. This is accompanied by relatively low defensiveness. People tend to own up to mistakes and often set aside their egos. This means there’s massive learning going on.

The collective intelligence of Cosmos is staggering. As a whole, Cosmos displays evidence of widespread complex thinking and an impressively low level of black-and-white thinking. This ability to “encode” at a meta-systemic level is Cosmos’s most unique asset (On this last point, I just remember two Nebulars ago, Sonny cheekily declaring that he had become a “fiat Maxi” – this ability to see the value in the systems you wish to replace was the first sign to me that Cosmos was operating on a higher level.)

And finally, there are just such good vibes among you. I know I’m repeating myself, but I enjoyed meeting so many of you…

But I have to mention some of the things that concerned me (as a business psychologist), too.

  • First, there’s a lot of raw pain and even trauma in the community. There have been conflicts that have left scars, there was the Atom 2.0 thing which some people are still reeling from, and there have been a lot of people stepping into leadership and management positions for which they were never really properly trained.

  • Next, there’s a lot of burnout. You’ve been going nonstop for years now, first through a bull market, then the current bear market. No time is ever a good time to slow down. But you can’t sprint forever. And when I look at Cosmos, I see a shared vision that goes decades (if not longer) into the future.

  • There doesn’t seem to be a great culture of managing conflict in the Cosmos ecosystem. Conflict is an essential part of human communication, but if handled poorly, it can be very unhealthy. I saw evidence of aggressive, passive, and passive-aggressive communication, catastrophization, avoidance, and other suboptimal approaches to conflict.

  • Management skills seem to lag the “real world” (or at least Web 2.0). I didn’t hear of anyone investing in management training, executive coaching, team coaching, etc. – and not too many people were raving to me about the quality of their managers!

  • The “Big Bang” that happened at the center of the Cosmos ecosystem has created disparate and distant centers of gravity. The leaders of these centers of gravity are playing dual roles of visionaries and managers (long-term thinking vs. day-to-day thinking), which is challenging and often not optimal.

  • Perhaps directly related, but perhaps also for other reasons, collaboration and coordination among various parties (the Hub, the Foundation, validators, companies, etc.) are a challenge that people feel acutely.

  • I didn’t see evidence of a shared long-range vision (beyond the substance of the Atom 2.0 paper). Maybe you think this isn’t necessary, but shared trust is built on shared vision, and shared trust is, well, everything.

  • Many people I spoke to identified the most central institutions of the ecosystem as being some of the worst examples of many of the negative traits I’ve mentioned here.

Now, maybe you agree with the challenges I’ve observed in the Cosmos ecosystem, but you don’t think they’re that big a deal. And maybe you’re right, but I thought it might be helpful if I listed some of the risks I see:

Risk #1: The collective intelligence that has driven so much of the innovation of Cosmos erodes as collaboration becomes more difficult. The cutting edge of the design of the blockchain of blockchains moves elsewhere – sadly, probably somewhere less ethical, less kind, less curious, less fun and with worse vibes.

Risk #2: Widespread fatigue and cultural debt make the existing ecosystem unable to successfully compete in the coming bull market.

Risk #3: Being “right but not rich” (rigid thinking) winds up inhibiting the Cosmos project as the vision and values fracture – by not reckoning with power in an honest and assertive way, someone else’s values win out.

Risk #4: This all just becomes less fun (e.g., the vibes go the way of Web2).

Overall, I think Cosmos can overcome each of these risks and realize its full potential (whatever that means). But I think you’re going to need to do this with a level of intentionality that might feel uncomfortable. This has something to do with governance, but it also has a whole lot to do with the most off-chain elements you can imagine: human relationships, organizational culture, and vibes.

Recommendation #1 (this is a fantasy, but I’ll put it out there): Create an ad hoc representative working group with some of the most powerful people in the ecosystem – 6-8 people, not aligned but committed to finding a shared vision. Have them meet regularly for 6 months with team coaches to prepare a long-range, extremely high-level vision for the Cosmos. Maybe even share video of these meetings so people can see how exactly the sausage is made.

Of course I’d love to do this, but I can also put you in touch with other professionals who are widely admired in the field.

Recommendation #2: Make the core institutions of the Cosmos ecosystem the best in the world at communication, collaboration, and well-being, thus cultivating collective intelligence and reducing cultural friction. These behaviors will then radiate through the ecosystem.

Recommendation #3: Provide leadership development opportunities (coaching, training, peer groups, workshops, offsites, wellness programs, etc.) to core managers. Provide contacts and resources to ecosystem leaders.

Recommendation #4: Focus on the well-being and thriving of everyone in the ecosystem. As well as being an end in itself, it’s also a great way to attract users!

I would love to hear your reactions and thoughts as to possible next steps. If I met you in Istanbul, please say hi! And if we haven’t met, feel free to drop a line.


Robert Kelley Ayala
Narracanto Ltd.


Thanks for writing this Rob. Having met in Istanbul I was waiting to see what insight you gathered.

I don’t have much to add other than a broad agreement with your assessment and recommending that people interested in culture as much to tokenomics reach out to you and see if they find value there.


Let’s be real. A lot of the current drama is a remnant from AIB blowing up in 2020. The ecosystem we’ve seen cobbled together is a miracle achieved by people who care a lot about what Cosmos is trying to do, frankly.

Most of the leadership and core developers splintered off in to their own projects and interests, or left the ecosystem altogether. However, a lot of the wounds never healed, and the largest institutions with the most capital (AiB and the ICF) have never recovered, either. They’re both a mess in their own way, and the community/builders are demanding better from both.

So, essentially, what we’re left with is an ecosystem of loose collaboration of brillant/passionate builders with no top-down leadership to help guide toward a common vision and allocate resources to do so. This isn’t necessarily a problem in itself, and in the crypto spirit it’s relatively decentralized, but also chaotic.

I think many have low hopes of a shared vision at this juncture. Some seem so stubborn and entrenched in their mindsets and patterns that they just find it easier to point the finger and hope someone else can take care of it. I see a lot more bitching and virtue signaling than pull requests from some parties.

Ultimately, if progress hits enough roadblocks, I don’t think people have enough patience to weather many more large storms before some drastic action is taken. What that entails, who knows, but something has to give eventually.


Excellent initiative that I would vote for if it came to a solid proposal.

We are working onlong similar lines with our Cosmonauts hackathon series at the Commons Hub in Austria in Summer 2024 to create a literal common ground for the various teams in the Cosmos Ecosystem. After hackathons for many individual chains, we’ll be hosting an Interchain edition where not only tech can be built, but relationships healed and strengthened.

Maybe you’d like to be involved?


Thanks Rob. Enjoyed meeting you at Cosmosverse and so nice to see your discussions culminating in this write up! So many terrific observations!

With respect to the recommendation re formulation of “vision”, a few thoughts;

  • the design of Cosmos gov precludes a single centralized team from taking over the process of setting vision,

  • the ultimate arbiter of which modules of the vision are ultimately built & bolted on at the hub or which chains are invited to join AEZ is the $ATOM community itself

  • we need to get comfortable with these new decentralized ways of working, and unlearn the old centralized ways that we learned since childhood, ie the corp, nation state, church, military, university, basically everything we know is top down, hierarchical, and it is very hard to unlearn and forget the assumption that everything must be centralized

  • nodes of centralization, yes, but the entire project having a single centralized vision, why?

  • so, the added point I would make to your excellent article is that there can be a plurality of teams that get together to crystallize a vision for a module, and, the community will decide ultimately what is “in” and “out” of scope

  • the AEZ tent is indeed big enough for dozens of such teams, and, there will never be a singular centralized vision for the project imo, the ultimate vision that emerges will be the collection of the individual vision of all of the teams working on their respective modules

  • the agglomeration of all of the modules, protocols, and dApps will eventually be as complex as NYC or London, with the many buildings, businesses, byways, transportation arteries, etc.

  • modularity in the digital design space is a good thing! composability with interchain accounts and multi-chain dApps is even better, to create interfaces that integrate multiple protocols! :slight_smile:

  • too make this work and to prevent some of the chaos, we do need better coordination mechanisms

  • there would be room for a contractor to create a ‘roadmap of roadmaps’ and to present this to the community, each company doing work in the ecosystem would be wise to have an ‘advisory committee’ consisting of members of other projects that they need to functionally coordinate with, we can have more roundtables where teams can present their concepts, modules, roadmaps, status reports, etc – we’d like to plan more sessions like this for the next Cosmosverse but it can also happen via Twitter spaces

  • its kind of like, if you are working on a new city park concept in Singapore, it is logical to have all of the businesses that “touch” your city park on your steering committee or advisory committee

I’d love to here Rob’s thoughts on org design mechanisms to solve the coordination challenge, where we have many diverse teams working on different modules and wings of the cathedral or city-state, which is built without any one singular plan?


Thank you very much Robert for this thoughtful and informative perspective for us all to reflect upon.

I fully support your call for enhanced leadership training within the Cosmos ecosystem. The transition of many adept individuals into leadership roles underscores the need for such development. Investing in leadership coaching can significantly impact both individual and collective growth. I was fortunate enough to go through leadership coaching with an organizational psychologist, and it’s given me skills and perspective that have served me very well in my career and in my personal life. I have seen the wonders it can work for organizations, and I’ve seen the need for this first hand in the ecosystem.

Your dream recommendation is also very possible, especially as we are hearing calls for a breakaway from the ICF and looking for somewhat of a new start. I think there is already a group trying to lead the way, but additional leaders are needed to step up to broaden the perspective and help guide the ecosystem down a path that allows for an abundance of success. The community also needs to give their full support to these leaders and build strong levels of trust to get through the adversity.

I hope your recommendations are taken seriously as they would help both individuals an the ecosystem thrive into the future.


My initial reaction is that the diagnosis is spot on.

Generally the investment in coaches, training, peer groups, wellness etc have produced nothing. I have my reasons for why this is but you would probably be suprised at how much money has been spent on these efforts in the last years.

But institutional failure is a reality of working in Cosmos.


Rob, I think you nail this on many cords. What used to be an abundant ecosystem has been hijacked by a few bad names or personas. Personally, ive been pretty critical of cosmos especially when it comes to marketing to newcomers on participating in high APYs and creative economics which only led them to leave eventually when they lost most of their original investment.

I do not know the path forward, but I think youve outlaid some significant groundwork on the steps that can be taken forward. I would also state that Cosmos, especially Atom is becoming the system that we so sought to replace.

I think Zaki had a tweet earlier about the ICF which held majority true. Most of the community wants transparency in whats going on between the ICF, AiB, Chorus one, Informal which all seem to be the same people making decisions instead of gauging the community. This problem seems to be the deepest of my concerns because investors lose confidence when community pool spends by the same people seem to keep popping up.

People are tired, misled, and have just flat given up, while ecosystems like Solana flourish we have props like 839, 103, 79 and many others where it seems the ROI hasn’t been directly communicated. These views are obviously my own, but I doubt im the only one feeling this way. Praying for better days in the Cosmos ecosystem


Agree with many here. This was spot on and I’m incredibly grateful to @robertkelleya for the thought and attention he gave to this analysis.

Clearly there is still some soreness as expressed in the comments here. That said, I’m actually more optimistic on the future of Cosmos than I’ve been in a while. I interact with unbelievably talented and visionary Cosmos teams every day and I feel like some of the organizational debt (while not going away) is finally becoming less relevant. The feeling I got at Cosmoverse was the community was eager to find creative ways to solve the real problems together: users, liquidity, narrative, as well as many mentioned above.

While I don’t know that all of the suggestions here are viable, I’d definitely be interested in figuring out ways to level up the collective intelligence and empathy in the ecosystem.


2013 I start AIB, initially created FtNox an exchange. I maybe wrote the first exchange that also could prove its reserves. I never launched because just about when I was going to, I discovered the 1988 BFT paper.

2015/2016 there is CryptoEconomicon in the south bay in california. I meet Chris Harborne and Ethan.

2016 I work with Ethan as a loan employee since I wanted to build the EVM on top of Tendermint, and Eris wanted a permissioned EVM. I teach everything I know about Tendermint to Ethan, and he asks his professor if he can write his thesis on it.

Around this time Ethan was still employed with Eris Industries. Eris Industries it was said that there were five cofounders, but the two public facing cofounders are Casey and Preston Byrne.

The LICENSE at this time was not well defined. I said that it will be published “at least as copyleft” but it’s pretty fucking clear that I am also interested in more liberal licenses, since I mentioned that I’m a Kopimist by heart. Look at the repo.

I spend 3 months to no avail to convince Preston and Casey to allow me to publish Tendermint as Apache2. Preston for being a lawyer is a complete clown and keeps pretending that dual licensing isn’t a thing.

I spend time developing ABCI just so that I can give up the EVM and the permissioning that I wrote, just so that I can retain the right to publish Tendermint as Apache2.

During this time I learn that Chris Harborne self admittedly saved George Soros in Thailand during the IMF incident, that he is ex-mi6, laundered money for Obama using jet fuel. I later learn that he is also the lead funder for Brexit. He is also clearly a major funder of Ethereum. He also apparently had a major role in Tether, the project that was founded by the infamous Brock Pierce. I’m not even going to talk about the string of deaths of my friends around that fellow.

Ethan helps out with the testing suite for Tendermint and fixing bugs (he didn’t design Tendermint, but to his credit he did help with the test suite), while I’m working to develop an investment strategy trying to raise from Bitcoin savvy VCs. None of them understand what proof of stake is.

As a last resort I came up with the Cosmos whitepaper based on my own ideas about inserting light client proofs in the blockchain itself. Tendermint was always designed for efficient light client proofs, when most of the blockchain world gave up on it.

2016 I write just about all of the Cosmos whitepaper save for the non-technical and Tendermint related parts of the whitepaper which I delegate to Ethan. I am the only one interfacing with up to five law firms eventually settling on MME to create a foundation, modeling off of Ethereum. I create the, the fundraiser docs, pretty much everything about Cosmos and the ICF and the plan, technical and nontechnical, were my creations.

MME says I need to have at least 3 people in the FC. They say they can provide a third neutral swiss board member. I say fine, I can invite Ethan in as the third. Mind you I was already being super generous with his equity in AIB for being a late cofounder. I started the company years before Ethan joined but I gave him half of what I had.

I travel the world pitching Cosmos, to the point that I vowed not to fly internationally again. Ethan never did.

Late 2017/2018 or so I take a break for a few months, I’ve been at this for four years. By the time I come back to full time I see that Ethan had hired a ton of managers. Ok, I can work with that.

Around 2018 shit gets really weird.

  • Ethan starts harping about me leaving the ICF, ever since I brought it up once. He says I need to leave because of conflict of interest. More on the hypocrisy later.
  • Executive retreat with Ethan, Zaki, and others five of us total. Zaki makes clear he doesn’t care about the mission but cares about making money for himself.
  • At a crypto conference, OpenLibra is proposed by essentially a scammer who puts up my photo and Sunny’s as if we are core members of his project when it’s hardly the case. Ethan and Zaki know this and I warn them not to associate with the scammer but they don’t care.
  • While checking up on OpenLibra I comment about the voting system they are proposing and I point out how it can easily be gamed, and they don’t care.
  • I see Zaki starting to call himself cofounder of Cosmos despite only having joined after much of the genesis software was already complete, and he wasn’t even part of the coding team. I ask him to stop, but it keeps happening. Here were the engineers behind the hub software: Sunny, Dev, Chris Goes, Ethan Frey, Alessio, Rigel, and myself. Neither Ethan nor Zaki were involved.
  • Jessy Irwin comes up to me and brags about how she invited her ex into her apartment on false pretenses to get revenge on him, and how she hacked into his computer and stole his bitcoins, and showed me the purse she bought with those Bitcoins.
  • I tell this to Zaki and he insists that we need Jessy to complete the job. Her job was basically interfacing with HackerOne. I make an exception for Zaki, but refuse to give Jessy full superadmin privileges for Tendermint’s google apps, since with that you can do a lot more than her job entails.
  • Zaki starts spreading FUD that I am imposing a glass ceiling, being sexually discriminatory to the whole company, despite knowing of the above. This is after he told me that his favorite book is the “traitorous eight”, and comments like “I’m like a god”, “that plan isn’t evil enough”. Clearly using dark magic for self gain.
  • I propose the Virgo idea and Zaki approves, likes it so much he wants to present it himself to the company. This was after we agreed on a separation of roles; I will focus on new projects like Virgo, and he will help manage Cosmos. The separation of concerns was super clear.
  • I let Ethan and Zaki take over the routine AIB/ICF negotiations since it’s routine work. By this time the ICF had over $100,000,000 worth of ATOMs and cash and crypto in treasury. AIB is right up there but has less. It should be clear to everyone that there is absolutely no problem. Next thing I hear the engineers lamenting that their job security is at stake. This makes no fucking sense, the ICF should obviously be supporting us and Ethan and Zaki were responsible. This ends up being blamed on me.
  • The engineers of the company leave and the primary claim is lack of certainty of funding, and in an open letter they wrote some other non concrete things. Funny that it happens right after I start demanding that everyone report transparently on their conflicts of interests.
  • I say once in our internal Slack in #general that we should strive to write excellent software that will be deemed worthy in the future, that we are doing the work of God. Once did I mention God there. Later Zaki resigns and claims that I harassed everyone in EVERY slack channel with religious harassment. Lies. Jessy Irwin claims ambiguously that I harassed her, in the height of the #metoo movement. I have zero record of sexual harassment even to this day. ZERO.
  • For the kind of cultural problems, let me tell you of one A in Berlin who got so offended that I suggested in a private call that we need to hire more concurrency experts; he wasn’t an expert in concurrency and he simply could not stand the fact that I was implying that he wasn’t already an expert.
  • Ethan and Jack were involved in a FUCKING SKUNKWORKS PROJECT IN AIB named “DOUBLEDARE” whereby they decided to talk amongst themselves about removing a key component of the entire project, AMINO, INSTEAD OF FUCKING FIXING IT BECAUSE THEY DID NOT WANT TO. This was WHILE I spent months BRAINDAMANGING AMINO to be protobuf complete because they insisted on supporting protobuf. Even after I fixed it up 99% of the way they insisted on removing it. If you want to see what I mean, check out the difference between AMINO then and the new AMINO in gnolang’s TM2 directory. Complete insanity, not to mention deceitful AND ILLEGAL.
  • Later I learn that Zaki is being sued for basically trying the same shit he did to me to someone else. The person suing him I trust, and he says Zaki threatened him saying “Do you see what I did to Jae?”. I’m not even talking about Shaun.
  • Later I find out that Ethan had set up Informal with an outsized financial incentive for himself. This is completely ludicrous and insanely unethical because the entire ICF was founded for the purpose of public funding. Instead of giving 20% of AIB I GAVE HALF FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMMONS FUNDING. This is reflected in the fundraiser plan and docs. It is illegal for FC members to enrich themselves this way but apparently Swiss law is full of holes just like their cheese. I suppose now that either MME is just super corrupt (they are getting sued by other projects) or their raison d’etre is to profit from their supposed neutrality.
  • Later I find out that Jacob introduced Grace to Preston’s law firm. I was told that Preston sold the idea that he would help resolve the lawsuit faster because he knows me. Preston disappears from the picture and meanwhile their lawfirm makes ridiculous assertions such as, they won’t mediate until the lawsuit is dropped. This is ridiculous. Community is outraged.
  • Later I find out that Brian Crain WAS ALSO AN EMPLOYEE OF ERIS INDUSTRIES. Had I known, I would have never accepted his entry into the FC. I would never give up control of the ICF to Eris, they were the ones who tried to fuck me over in 2016. Ludicrous.
  • When I left the FC I said in no uncertain terms, in the strongest terms possible, that the person they wanted to replace me with SHOULD NOT be in the FC because they were an employee of AIB, and I have worked with them, and they DID NOT demonstrate the needed expertise. I suggested Sunny. They all completely dismiss my remarks and decide that it will be this person.
  • This I haven’t verified but I later learn that this person’s father was a close friend a ghostwriter for Bill Fucking Gates.
  • Brian Crain AFAIK is married to the daughter of an ex dictator of Turkey.
  • Ethan Buchman was somehow magically best friends with Vlad Zamfir. He is part of the Creative Destruction Lab in Canada. I could say a lot more along these lines but I’ll stop here.

I haven’t even mentioned the stupidity of prop 69 (vm on hub), 82 (atom2), and now they want to remove the 2/3 bonding target for an IBC hub. These are just a FEW of the points I can recall of the top of my head after getting PTSD from the amount of CHICANERY and DECEIT.

Check Chjango’s recent expose with Jack Zampolin as an example of the culture I am fighting against.

Basically it’s hard not to see from my shoes that the project or at least the ICF was subverted by deep state forces.

  • Why is Preston so often cited on ZeroHedge articles like he’s some paragon of truth?
  • Who were the original “five cofounders” of Eris and what are their backgrounds?
  • Why was their mascot the Marmot? Because they always planned on burrowing? :wink:
  • Why did they rename from Eris to Monax? Maybe the connection to “destruction” is too obvious?
  • Why do I keep seeing a connection to elitist backgrounds in all of this?
  • A man wants to know.

I wouldn’t even care if they were doing their jobs.
It seems that they care more about Ethereum and Urbit.
They should all disclose their entire positions and all of their conflicts of interests.
But really they should just all resign.

The reason the trauma won’t just heal and go away is because it’s wrong to stay silent.
Gore2020 didn’t kill me, ATOM2 with Pepe the frog crucified didn’t do it.
They should take the L and fuck off and admit defeat before it’s too late.

Ultimately this is my mistake.
After George Soros fucked over Asia and even caused my Daewoo to collapse
where my dad held an executive position, I thought listening to Chris Harborne would be a good idea just because he was well connected.
I should have not listened to him.
I should not have created a Swiss foundation, or trust MME, or a “neutral board member”.
I should have fired Jessy on the spot.
I should have fired Zaki.
I should have said goodbye to Ethan.
I should have fired Jack.
I should have should have should have but at every turn there appeared to be reasons why it would be a bad idea… maybe if I give enough feedback or communicate with Ethan enough maybe Ethan would see. WRONG.

There are four types of people in this world.

  1. There are the entitled who grew up with silver spoons in a pot of evil.
  2. There are those who sell themselves to the above for Mammon.
  3. There are those who grew up in poverty but got lucky, or was privileged and had the right upbringing, and feel a responsibility to reduce human suffering.
  4. There is everyone else who never received or never gave themselves the chance.

Pick wisely, because the hour of judgement is upon us.

Do not compromise on your values and do not give people third and fourth chances.
Do not feel intimidated by numbers and gangstalking/social_engineering tactics.
There are some lines (like doubledare or stealing) that are immediate grounds for exile.


To this day I have yet to hear a single apology.
To be fair Zaki once did internally to AIB, but not for what I wrote above.

After I resigned from AIB by popular demand (though nobody sane would have agreed if they were in my shoes), and finally from ICF because it was already clear that the ICF was completely subverted (though I still regret the decision), I have since been working on the best smart contracting system the world has yet even seen.

It’s still crazy to me that after Ethan and I decided that in order for us to make progress we needed to create our own isolated budgets, so I finally agreed on the creation of Informal, while the Virgo budget was equally carved out for my direction; and just because I chose to keep the funds in the ICF (obviously for accountability) since I have resigned from the FC they decided to completely ignore this and pretend like that arrangement never happened. Meanwhile I have learned since that the “coop” Ethan created with Informal is not a coop at all and Ethan has an outsized financial stake in it; so HE is the one who has a conflict of interest, and he created it AFTER he pressured me to leave the ICF on the same grounds, that I have the conflict; after I created all of these things.

The magnitude of the hypocrisy and chicanery and deceit is what turned me Christian. Here is it what did it for me. The first letter in the last book of the bible spoke to me like nobody else could at a time I most needed to hear it.

Message to the Church in Ephesus (Acts 19:8-12)

1Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
2I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 4Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. 6But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Jesus is King of Kings.


If you all just want to support the status quo despite these revelations,
well fuck me, maybe it is simply too late.
Don’t be surprised if everyone decent starts to exodus to a new hub.
I cannot in good conscience support what has been and now is worse.
The fucking buck stops here.
Trust me, it is better to sell and leave now if you don’t agree with me.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Doing any kind of psychoanalysis of Cosmos without understanding the chicaneers and their works, and what REALLY led to what they called gore2020, is complete folly, and only serves to sustain the status quo.

Admitting the failures of the ICF and failing to act against the ICF, or suggesting that we simply ignore it, when the hub SHOULD be taking action, is again being an apologist to evil.

I have given them AMPLE WARNING. Despite knowing that the above is true they have continued to play their playbook of mass brainwashing Cosmonauts and continuing their attacks against the integrity of the hub, and turning the ICF into their slush fund, and then daring to ask for more with ATOM2.

Judgement day is here.

UPDATE: created a new thread here: The Origin of Cosmos Drama

Here is the plan.

  1. Create an opposition political party that represents the original values of Cosmos.
  2. Make a new blockchain that counters the effects of the ICF/Informal/Stride political party.
  3. Play fire for fire to gather support around this new “liquid staking” hub.
  4. Oppose the status quo until they leave due to the governance stalemate on the main hub.
  5. Failing that, if they do not leave, develop our political party hub as the new Cosmos hub.
  6. Checkmate.

Anybody interested in ATOM doing due diligence comes here, reads all this… Everybody seems eager to be collaborative, looks bullish.

And then an avalanche of rocks comes raining down.

People have asked “why a unified vision”.
Because it’s anti-rocks.
At a high enough level like “Share oxygen and water. Don’t die.” a shared vision keeps the village alive.

“Don’t throw rocks. Only constructive professional criticism. The Hub is for security.
Accountability required.”

That’s probably enough to start with. Especially in a village full of glass houses.

If that basic minimum can’t even be agreed upon then what can be?


If you tolerate evil, you are evil.
The unified vision is what funded cosmos in the first place.
What has happened since is overtly evil to destroy the Cosmos unified vision.
If what I wrote above doesn’t convince you, nothing will.
It is simply time to split.

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Anti-rocks? Get a fucking helmet.
Also I forgot to mention that Chjango is a cofounder of Cosmos.
She was there since before the launch and knows of the shenanigans.
She now has a hotline for you to report cosmos crypto crime to.


I beg you to get back on your meds. You are seriously not well.

Why do you say that, besides the obvious (you’re part of the problem)?
Everyone who tells you to “take your meds” is part of the spiritual problem we face today.
But we already know this, and they are merely outing themselves.

Here’s another article describing how the WEF has been circling Cosmos.

So we have George Soros affiliates subverting Cosmos, even since the early days of Tendermint, again with Antoine Vergne and Rebecca Liao now we have some WEF folks hovering around. Not to mention BlackRock funded Circle working with Noble+Strangelove. Another sleuth discovered likely ties between SBF/FTX and the Luna crash.

I’m pretty fucking sure Cosmos is being gangstalked by the deep state, and that is the source of our drama. If you can’t see the elephant from the parts, well, please, get vaxxed.

Since I am over my edit limit, here is an update:

RE Jessy Irwin:

  • I tell this to Zaki and he insists that we need Jessy to complete the job. Her job was basically interfacing with HackerOne. I make an exception for Zaki, but refuse to give Jessy full superadmin privileges for Tendermint’s google apps, since with that you can do a lot more than her job entails. She was also responsible for maintaining Google Apps for onboarding and offboarding but I already gave her ALL THE PERMISSIONS save for superadmin (root). I asked her to clarify what else she needs and she doesn’t answer.

Dear Robert,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reflect on the time we spent together at the closing day of the conference. I sat to your left on the restaurant terrace, with Youssef from the AADAO on your right. The fact that all three of us were French made it easy to bridge the language gap. I vividly remember your enthusiastic sharing of early conclusions about your incredible research project at our table. Your excitement was palpable, and it left me eagerly anticipating your eventual public post, once the initial fervor had subsided, and you had time to reflect.

It’s interesting to note that much of what you shared with us on that day seems to align with the diagnosis you’ve presented here. Our conversation during our leisurely walk from the restaurant to the last night’s party still lingers in my memory. We delved deeply into the concept of the collective intelligence that Cosmos fosters and its magnetic pull for intelligent individuals. We also pondered the idea that Cosmos operates like a machine, mercilessly dismantling anyone who attempts to control it. We discussed how most individuals with influence in this ecosystem ultimately find themselves disillusioned. It’s the inherent downside of the system, where individuals may change, but the underlying code remains constant.

This brings me to the post by @Better_Future, which underscores the disruptive nature of decentralization. What you observed, in my humble opinion, is a direct result of this decentralization, and it’s something we need to acknowledge. In a truly decentralized ecosystem, there is no central manager capable of facilitating coordination.

In closing, I’d like to point out one aspect of our discussion that appears to be missing from your final diagnosis. Both of us expressed the notion that Cosmos might only truly thrive once we collectively reduce the remaining influence of the original founders, all of them. I’m curious to understand why this idea didn’t make its way into your final assessment. Was it deemed irrelevant when weighed against other factors after days of contemplation, or did further analysis reveal it to be inaccurate from the start?

I want to express my gratitude for the effort you put into compiling your insights. I eagerly anticipate our next conversation.


Bruh, this took a turn I wasn’t expecting