Cosmos Hub Wishlist for Christmas 2025

Cosmos Hub Wishlist for December 2025:

  1. Fast Block Times – Improved speed for seamless transactions.

  2. IBC Router and Interchain Relayers – Relayers owned by the Hub to optimize interchain communication.

  3. Permissionless Applications – A truly open ecosystem for developers.

  4. Multi-Ecosystem Bridge – Efficient and secure connectivity across different blockchain ecosystems.

  5. Multi-Virtual Machine Support – Flexibility to run diverse virtual machines on the Hub.

  6. Unified Tools – Combine Forge, Hydro, governance, explorer, forum, docs and other tools in one central platform.

  7. One wallet to rule them all – A wallet with built-in swaps and DEX functionality, charging fees exclusively in ATOM.

  8. On-Chain Forum – Accessible via wallets to verify contributors, reward positive actors, and track their history.

  9. Dust Autoswapper & ATOM Buyback – Automatically convert dust and facilitate ATOM buybacks.

  10. Dynamic Inflation – Minimal inflation at 0% and a maximum of 10% to ensure sustainable growth.

  11. Reduce governance time to do faster.

  12. Optimise Apps for mobile

Let’s hope the Interchain Inc. teams take these community-driven requests into account!

Happy Christmas to everyone! Long live the Hub, Cosmos, and Interchain Inc.!


Many challenges we face could be solved at the user interface level: the wallet. Personally I’m a big fan of Keplr, I would like to know what the relations are between The hub and the team that manages Keplr.

Wouldn’t it be possible to officially get closer to them in order to be able to push certain features more easily?

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it might be gratefull if Interchain Inc posts an answer here @Mag

what is uour thought about this list ?

Do you plan to communicate your plan by the end of the month?

Hi, Noam here, product manager for the Hub at Interchain Labs. Thanks for sharing your ideas on the forum! A lot of them are things we’ve been thinking about for a while as well.

We hope to share more details about our plans as soon as we can :pray:


Curious if there any takers. If not, maybe we kinda of are, but not how one would probs imagine it haha