Cosmos Hub Wishlist for December 2025:
Fast Block Times – Improved speed for seamless transactions.
IBC Router and Interchain Relayers – Relayers owned by the Hub to optimize interchain communication.
Permissionless Applications – A truly open ecosystem for developers.
Multi-Ecosystem Bridge – Efficient and secure connectivity across different blockchain ecosystems.
Multi-Virtual Machine Support – Flexibility to run diverse virtual machines on the Hub.
Unified Tools – Combine Forge, Hydro, governance, explorer, forum, docs and other tools in one central platform.
One wallet to rule them all – A wallet with built-in swaps and DEX functionality, charging fees exclusively in ATOM.
On-Chain Forum – Accessible via wallets to verify contributors, reward positive actors, and track their history.
Dust Autoswapper & ATOM Buyback – Automatically convert dust and facilitate ATOM buybacks.
Dynamic Inflation – Minimal inflation at 0% and a maximum of 10% to ensure sustainable growth.
Reduce governance time to do faster.
Optimise Apps for mobile
Let’s hope the Interchain Inc. teams take these community-driven requests into account!
Happy Christmas to everyone! Long live the Hub, Cosmos, and Interchain Inc.!