Governance in web 3.0 as a new democratic object

Hello, I open this topic to ask for some help and advise.
In France, but not only, politics are thinking about taxation for stacking revenues.
If it is not a big issue for eth, for the cosmos ecosystem it could be one.
I wrote this mail to the député who asked for this taxation, and I show you his answer to.
I don’t know if it had any effect, but we won one year.

I’ld like to discuss the content of my mail, to see if I’m right or not (don’t kill me), because I think it could be a fair way, showing this democratic issue, to obtain that politics understand governance in web 3.0 as a new political object, witch will need a different juridic vision.

My mail and the answer, in english, and in french because I’m not sure of my trad in english :

Hello Mr Deputy,

I am coming to you, urgently, about the finance bill for 2024.

The plan to tax revenue from stacking crypto-assets shows a serious misunderstanding of the very nature of this technology.

In the vast majority of industries, we are accustomed to considering the governance of legal entities as a sort of “execution overlay” of the latter.

A utility algorithm, which responds to a certain number of legislative, organizational, management and resource constraints, etc. But which only indirectly concerns production.

As proof, a company, a foundation, an association could respond to the same need, provide the same added value. Their management model, exaggeratedly called governance, only intervenes at the margins.

Conversely, governance, in a web 3.0 company, is one of the building blocks and essential to its added value. It defines the very nature of the project and its value proposition:

Obviously, it participates in the distribution of tokens, the choice of technical solutions, the financing of innovation, communication, and finally all the strategic actions of the project.

But this is not ultimately critical: These examples are not conditioned by its nature, and other governance models could obtain the same results.

This is what has prevailed until today, and, to my knowledge, blockchain technology is the first industrial process to extract itself from this paradigm.

Its value proposition is absolutely based on this paradigm shift.

If we consider printing, the industrial revolution, the internet, the military, the great discoveries…

It is each time possible, at the same time, to imagine obtaining the SAME result with a different model, AND to justify this result through governance.

Where blockchain technology differs is that it does not exist without its governance.

Each governance model defines a different trustless environment, and it is this trustless environment that IS the value proposition.

Blockchains are an immense open-air governance laboratory, an industrial process in a highly competitive and disruptive environment, which aggregates innovation from all directions, and tests our democratic models of tomorrow in real conditions.

It is an inevitable process:

This paradigm shift is largely based on innovative use of cryptography.

And so if blockchain doesn’t deliver, quantum computing, which carries its own inviolable cryptography, will.

It is therefore almost certain that in the medium term, the association of the words “virtual” and “digital”, pronounced in the same sentence, seems incongruous.

In this context, the finance bill for 2024 poses a problem:

By taxing revenues from stacking, when they are made available, or even when they are paid, the legislator creates a fatal imbalance, a distortion of competition between projects, since it constrains their governance model.

Indeed, stacking makes it possible to secure the network, but also and above all gives the right to vote for governance. It is therefore inseparable from the latter.

However, if it is no longer possible to hold your crypto-assets in your own wallet, and therefore to stake directly, it is impossible to vote yourself: the voting power will therefore be concentrated on the validators, and therefore will induce a model of plutocratic governance in the extreme.

We will all need the Blockchain proposition:

How can we evolve in the world of artificial intelligence, of extreme digitalization, without a robust digital identity governance tool and proof of humanity?

Without this technology, how can we create a reliable environment, whose rules have been set democratically, and which will allow actors who do not trust each other, citizens, states, legal entities, to do business and push for progress?

I therefore ask you, with my most sincere respect, to postpone this decision, and to consider stacking as a new democratic object, which will probably need a new framework designed with the elements that I cited above.

Thanks for reading me

Best regards


The answer:

Good morning,
For my part, I filed an amendment to delete the article integrated into the PLF to return to the previous situation. That is to say, the interpretation on the basis of Council of State case law.
Best regards,
Eric Bothorel

In french:

Bonjour Mr le député,

Je viens vers vous, en urgence, à propos du projet de loi de finance pour 2024.

Le projet de taxation des revenus de stacking des crypto-actifs montre une grave incompréhension de la nature même de cette technologie.

On a l’habitude, dans la très large majorité des industries, de considérer la gouvernance des personnes morales comme une sorte de « surcouche d’exécution » de ces dernières.

Un algorithme utilitaire, qui répond à un certain nombre de contraintes législatives, organisationnelles, de pilotage, de ressources… Mais qui ne concerne qu’indirectement la production.

Pour preuve, une entreprise, une fondation, une association, pourraient répondre au même besoin, apporter la même valeur ajoutée. Leur modèle de pilotage, exagérément nommée gouvernance, n’intervenant qu’à la marge.

A contrario, la gouvernance, dans une entreprise web 3.0, est une des briques constitutives et indispensable de sa valeur ajoutée. Elle définit la nature même du projet et de sa proposition de valeur :

Bien évidemment, elle participe de la distribution des tokens, du choix des solutions techniques, du financement de l’innovation, de la communication, et finalement de toutes les actions stratégiques du projet.

Mais cela n’est pas critique finalement : Ces exemples ne sont pas conditionnés par sa nature, et d’autres modèles de gouvernance pourraient obtenir les mêmes résultats.

C’est ce qui a prévalu jusqu’à aujourd’hui, et, à ma connaissance, la technologie blockchain est le premier processus industriel à s’en extraire.

Sa proposition de valeur repose absolument sur ce changement de paradigme.

Si l’on considère l’imprimerie, la révolution industrielle, internet, le fait militaire, les grandes découvertes…

Il est à chaque fois possible, dans le même temps, d’imaginer obtenir le MEME résultat avec un modèle différent, ET de justifier ce résultat par la gouvernance.

Là où la technologie blockchain diffère, c’est qu’elle n’existe pas sans sa gouvernance.

Chaque modèle de gouvernance définit un environnement trustless différent, et c’est cet environnement trustless qui EST la proposition de valeur.

Les blockchains sont un immense laboratoire de gouvernance à ciel ouvert, un processus industriel dans un environnement hautement concurrentiel et disruptif, qui agrège l’innovation de toutes les directions, et teste en conditions réelles nos modèles démocratiques de demain.

C’est un processus inéluctable :

Ce changement de paradigme repose en grande partie sur un usage innovant de la cryptographie.

Et donc si la blockchain ne livre pas, l’informatique quantique, qui porte en elle sa propre cryptographie inviolable, le fera.

Il est donc à peu près certain qu’à moyen terme, l’association des mots « virtuel » et « numérique », prononcés dans la même phrase, paraisse incongrue.

Dans ce contexte, le projet de loi de finance pour 2024 pose problème :

En taxant les revenus du stacking, à leur mise à disposition, ou même à leur versement, le législateur crée un déséquilibre fatal, une distorsion de concurrence entre les projets, puisqu’il contraint leur modèle de gouvernance.

En effet, le stacking permet de sécuriser le réseau, mais aussi et surtout donne le droit de voter pour la gouvernance. Il est donc indissociable de cette dernière.

Or, s’il n’est plus possible de détenir ses crypto-actifs dans son propre wallet, et donc de stacker directement, il est impossible de voter soi-même : le pouvoir de vote se concentrera donc sur les validateurs, et donc induira un modèle de gouvernance ploutocratique à l’extrême.

Nous aurons tous besoin de la proposition de la Blockchain :

Comment évoluer dans le monde de l’intelligence artificielle, de la numérisation à l’extrême, sans un outil robuste de gouvernance de l’identité numérique, de la preuve d’humanité ?

Sans cette technologie, comment créer un environnement fiable, dont les règles auront été fixées démocratiquement, et qui permettra à des acteurs qui ne se font pas confiance, les citoyens, les états, les personnes morales, de faire des affaires et de pousser au progrès.

Je vous demande donc, avec mon plus sincère respect, de différer cette décision, et d’envisager le stacking comme un nouvel objet démocratique, qui aura probablement besoin d’un nouveau cadre pensé avec les éléments que j’ai cité plus haut.

Merci de m’avoir lu

Bien cordialement


La réponse:

j’ai pour ma part déposer un amdt de suppression de l’article intégré au plf pour revenir à la situation antérieure. C’est à dire à l’interprétation sur la base de la jurisprudence Conseil d’État.
Bien cordialement,
Eric Bothorel


I vote, since two years, on every proposal I can, on every chains of the ecosystem, because I’m convainced, for decentralisation and the futur of the hub, that the number of voters is more important than their size: cosmos1q50hkqt3lx3d9lpsj523n0qj3epr9hfs6kl7fs

I hope some of you will help me to formulate, to precise, to challenge, what I’m trying to say.

I realy think, as I know politics, that this is the good way to open their mind: speaking of what they already know, democraty and governance, and showing them this huge paradygm evolution:

They won’t be able, if we challenge them in their own house, to dodge the subject

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Introduction :

The advent of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies brings significant challenges and opportunities for current fiscal and democratic systems. While these technologies promise to transform governance and financial transactions, they also raise complex questions about regulatory integration and civic participation.

Taxation of Staking Rewards :

The technical complexity inherent in blockchain makes the direct taxation of staking rewards difficult. However, it is probable that tax authorities will turn to the taxation of conversion operations into central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a viable method. Although this strategy remains speculative, it represents a plausible approach to framing these new forms of income.

Blockchain Governance and Democratic Impact :

The governance model proposed by blockchain has the potential to reinvent democratic participation through greater transparency and direct involvement. In France, the integration of such a system would raise profound questions about the future of the republic’s structure, although such a profound change seems unlikely at present. This perspective nevertheless opens a necessary dialogue on the modernization of our democratic institutions.

Need for a Mathematical and Statistical Approach :

Before considering any practical experimentation, it is crucial to adopt a mathematical and statistical approach to analyze the implications of blockchain-based governance in direct democracy. This preliminary step would identify participation patterns, voting, and decision-making in a balanced and fair manner, laying the foundation for a successful integration of blockchain technology into democratic processes.

Local Experimentation with Blockchain :

Based on insights obtained through statistical analysis, applying blockchain in a pilot project within an innovative municipality could serve as a test bed to assess its effectiveness and impact on local governance. This real-world test would allow theory and practice to confront each other, offering valuable lessons for a potential scale-up.

Reconsideration of Vote Equality :

Rather than perceiving voting as a uniform and unchanging right, a more nuanced exploration of its weight based on criteria such as civic engagement and knowledge of issues could enrich the democratic debate. This perspective does not aim to discriminate but to recognize and value the qualitative contribution of citizens to public discourse, encouraging a more informed and committed participation.

Conclusion :

The anticipation of fiscal changes in response to the emergence of cryptocurrencies is a certainty, but these adjustments should not significantly alter staking and exchange practices. The eventuality of a European stablecoin incorporating direct taxation mechanisms is part of this evolution. The approach towards adopting blockchain as a governance laboratory requires thorough exploration, beginning with rigorous analysis and followed by localized experimentation. Although a major upheaval of current state structures appears unlikely, reflecting on innovative governance models is essential for considering the future of our societies.

P.S. : I would like to add that my contribution is simply an extension of the idea presented, and I am far from being a professional, although I am just as passionate about governance as the author.

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