Lavender.Five Nodes
Who We Are
Lavender.Fives Nodes is one of the most trusted validators in the cosmos ecosystem.
Our team is able to maintain near-100% uptime through a variety of resources including dedicated servers around the world, multiple 24/7 alerting systems in place, and always-ready backup servers.
We are proud to say we serve as validators on more than 30 mainnets, and are trusted by over 20000 delegators.
We differentiate ourselves through our community engagement and contributions to the projects we serve.
This is achieved by authoring documentation for fellow validators, writing and promoting new governance proposals, and helping squash code bugs before they become an issue.
A Showing of Networks
A small selection of the networks we support include:
- Secret Network
- Cosmos Hub
- Osmosis
- Evmos
- Juno
- and many more!
Our Infrastructure
We take a pragmatic approach to running validators. At the most basic level we utilize bare metal servers
with a minimum of 2 full nodes per network. At a minimum the nodes are in different data centers, but commonly are by different providers distributed around the world. In addition, we utilize Horcrux
as our remote signing solution, with 3 signers. What this means in practice is ALL nodes have to go down, or 2 signers, before we miss blocks.
In addition to this, we utilize the following as our monitoring solutions:
- Zabbix
- Tenderduty
- HalfLife
- Prometheus/Grafana
Our Contributions
We also contribute to each ecosystem we’re in. As a few off the cuff examples:
- Relaying: we are one of the most prolific relayers in the ecosystem, and have helped many relayers get their start.
- We’ve either written or edited every document for Secret Network
- We write documentation to help other node runners:
- Relaying
- Setting up TMKMS
- Horcrux
- Raising the Security Floor of the Cosmos
- We commonly create proposals for networks:
- Osmosis
- Secret