Hi, the mempool wal file size in our validators grows up to a few hungred GBs and even a few TBs. The configs for the validators are similar to those in Configuration | Tendermint Core. Any suggestions please for troubleshooting?
Hi @vtgraph
You may have better luck accessing timely technical help on the Cosmos Network Discord. The forum is not really suited for technical troubleshooting.
Thanks @lexa. Already tried that before posting here but no reply so far. Do you perhaps know the right channel to ask?
@vtgraph are you running a validator in the active set on Cosmos Hub? If so, you should ask one of the mods in the Discord to give you access to the verified validators channels in the Discord. Perhaps other validators can offer insight
Thanks @uditvira. Yes I asked in that channel and another one too. Must not be a common problem.
Based on discussion with from tendermint core developer on discord, fix seems to be wal_dir = ""
and not set it to some path. Will test and confirm later.