Multisig in the COSMOS Ecosystem

I’m having trouble staking ATOM with Stride, I can’t find any options on the UI for staking with a Multisig wallet, I looked at the site and it doesn’t offer any options for staking atom with stride either. I know this may be because Stride hasn’t developed a UI that supports Multisig wallets, in which case is there any way for me to use the application with a Multisig wallet? Or is there some way to generate an unsigned-TX.json so that I can simply sign and broadcast it on the Multisig UI?

fishing fishing fishing fishing

Can someone help me?

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Unfortunately not the exact answer you are looking for, but you could:

Set up your multisig as a DAO on DAODAO (effectively a multisig)
DAODAO then lets you to perform actions on remote chains (either through “Cross-chain Execute” or “ICA Execute” proposals) I haven’t tried out either for Stride staking, so not sure if it’s possible

Try the multisig UI of the Keplr wallet.
Again, not used it myself, so no idea what features they have.

Or dive in to the CLI
But no idea where you should look / what you should do for this

The functionality of keplr multi-signature is almost the same as, so currently they can only stake ATOM or STRIDE tokens, but cannot participate in application interactions. I believe that if I use the CLI tool and delve into the STRIDE staking function, I can solve this problem, but I don’t want to waste too much time on this simple function. Although the COSMOS ecosystem has a multi-signature solution, the support for it is really pitiful.

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Embarrassingly and shamefully, I agree with this.

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