Notinal Proposal 104 Vesting Account

According to proposal 104, the Notional team will receive funding via a 3-year vesting account. To create this account, members of the multisig address cosmos1uerz25sc6gkg2d65mw4y4qcegw99vggt2xlssd need to sign the Create Vesting Account transaction. More information about TxRaw for signers and the multisig can be found here:

Notional multisig :

- name: notional-multisig4
  type: multi
  address: cosmos145hytrc49m0hn6fphp8d5h4xspwkawcuzmx498
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey","threshold":4,"public_keys":[{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Aiw2Ftg+fnoHDU7M3b0VMRsI0qurXlerW0ahtfzSDZA4"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A7qLV267EleAf3rt2hpa3DvObHP2rZkDuzFM3RkKtB9s"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AvEHv+MVYRVau8FbBcJyG0ql85Tbbn7yhSA0VGmAY4ku"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AuF6rrwFcosjhA4WwoXFVM1h0NXmndl224BCqWyi+GII"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A1rH3oiGNlOcM8jZ/CARL0qtzJm/DDe7K5Gm/Ltt2QMP"}]}'

Tx Raw :

  "body": {
    "messages": [
        "@type": "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount",
        "from_address": "cosmos1uerz25sc6gkg2d65mw4y4qcegw99vggt2xlssd",
        "to_address": "cosmos145hytrc49m0hn6fphp8d5h4xspwkawcuzmx498",
        "amount": [
            "denom": "uatom",
            "amount": "120000000000"
        "end_time": "1772414007",
        "delayed": false
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0",
    "extension_options": [],
    "non_critical_extension_options": []
  "auth_info": {
    "signer_infos": [],
    "fee": {
      "amount": [
          "denom": "uatom",
          "amount": "500000"
      "gas_limit": "1000000",
      "payer": "",
      "granter": ""
  "signatures": []

This topic serves as confirmation that the Notional team and multisig members are following the context outlined in Proposal 104.

Thank you to the Hub Community for supporting the Notional Team.


Thanks @vuong177

For context, the multisigs from Prop104:

The signers will be community members with the needed experience. This is a single-use multisig account composed of community members.


multisig wallet - cosmos1u69e8tsq3h3q3alqrdv333hvzazdfn5aeq9svw

From there, the atoms will be transferred to a multisig continuous vesting account with signers from our team.

Khanh Nguyen
Jacob Gadikian
Vuong Nguyen
Long Mai

If the community feels displeased with Notional’s work, they should create a governance proposal to claw back the unvested portion.


This is to confirm that my public key is correct and present here. Thanks @vuong177 !

1 Like

confirming that my public key is correct and present here. Thanks @vuong177


Thank you to the notional team for posting this.

A new precedent has been set for managing community pool funds.

1 Like

confirming that my public key is correct and present here.


my pubkey is correct

1 Like

My pubkey is there, confirmed.

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