We will intentionally oversimplify things here to give you a basic understanding of the economic relationship between the Hub, the Interchain Foundation (ICF), and the interchain. We won’t dive into the full story as it involves many steps and politics, including some Cosmos drama, of course! By focusing on the economic standpoint, here is the sequence of events:
ICO Overview
- The Cosmos ICO took place on April 6, 2017, and was conducted in 26 minutes.
- The ICO successfully raised approximately $17.3 million.
- This was primarily raised in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).
- The price of ATOM tokens during the ICO was approximately $0.10 to $0.15 per token, depending on the market rate of BTC and ETH at that time.
Token Allocation
- The initial total supply of ATOM tokens was set at 236 million.
- ICO Participants: 75% of the ATOM tokens were allocated to the ICO participants.
- All In Bits, Inc.: 10% was allocated to All In Bits, Inc., the company behind Tendermint.
- Interchain Foundation (ICF): 10% of the tokens were allocated to the Interchain Foundation, a Swiss non-profit organization that supports the development of Cosmos.
- Seed Contributors: 5% of the tokens were reserved for seed contributors who helped with the early development of Cosmos.
Since the mainnet launch, another undisclosed $9 million round led by Paradigm was conducted in 2019 (source: CoinDesk).
You can find a detailed breakdown of the distribution by looking at the genesis file: mainnet/accounts at master · cosmos/mainnet · GitHub
Present Ownership Estimates
Fast forward to today, the multisig account of AIB (ex-Tendermint Inc.) has migrated most of its remaining funds into this wallet: cosmos15hmqrc245kryaehxlch7scl9d9znxa58qkpjet, which holds roughly 9 million ATOMs, meaning that AiB holds 2.26% of the current circulating supply (source for weighting: https://atomscan.com/accounts).
On the other side of the equation, the ICF multisigs received their genesis allocation in these two wallets: cosmos1unc788q8md2jymsns24eyhua58palg5kc7cstv (receiving 6 million ATOMs) & cosmos1z8mzakma7vnaajysmtkwt4wgjqr2m84tzvyfkz (receiving 14 million ATOMs).
Today these two wallets have experienced multiple transactions, and most of the remainder seems to have migrated mostly into: cosmos1z6czaavlk6kjd48rpf58kqqw9ssad2uaxnazgl & cosmos1sufkm72dw7ua9crpfhhp0dqpyuggtlhdse98e7. Today these ICF wallets hold 3.34% of the ATOM supply, split between 1.32% & 2.02% respectively in the addresses mentioned above.
The community’s constant concern around the foundations is quite intriguing. These entities are still among the top wallets listed on-chain, but the numbers clearly show that their influence in the ATOM supply has only diminished over time, as expected since the launch in 2019. The proceeds from the ICO and the follow-up private round raising $9 million have likely been consumed long ago. Therefore, both entities operate by selling their holdings either on the open market or via OTC deals (over-the-counter). Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that today both these entities hold a combined 5.6% of the supply compared to their initial 20% distribution. To our knowledge, this aligns with economic standards for companies of this scale. Despite major criticism from certain community members and allegations of misuse of funds, we still have no evidence of misconduct so far. The numbers we showed align with expectations, supporting the thesis that if any misconduct is to be determined, the size is likely minimal. We should not underestimate transparency by any means, but we should not condemn without due process either, nor should we amplify the numbers to support political claims. To compensate, we wanted to provide this estimated breakdown, hoping it would help rational individuals access sourced information and begin digging deeper if they see fit.
Thanks for reading,