Signup For Gaia 7000

  1. Keep the IP you have is fine.
  2. You don’t have to change it.
  3. You can keep it empty. The moniker is already in the “app_gen_tx” section.

So basically you keep the generated json intact and submit the content will be fine.

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Could someone post here a sample of the contents of the gentx json file from Gaia7000 v 0.21.0? Would be nice to have a visual for confirmation.

NVM, I just found this: Upgrading `priv_validator.json`

Please note the priv_validator.json is different from the gentx json you have to submit. And you should not submit the priv_validator.json as there is the private key of your validator node inside.

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What should I do now if I wrote “power”:“1000” instead of “100”? Could you fix it by yourself before collecting transactions? I can’t change it now, because the signup form does not allow me to sent fixed json.

Nobs mistakes… sorry :slight_smile:

I wrote cosmocloud instead of coscloud in the form just now … Could somebody help me?
The json is composed with coscloud

Thanks in advance.

I sent it again… sorry for the inconvenience

i add to my guide, like you suggest