I propose we use a system similar to Yearn’s to streamline our governance process and make it more quick and efficient. This would go as follows:
Proposals posted on the forum would include a poll where atom holders can signal (no gas fee) how they feel (Yes, No) about them. These polls would be up for 3 days or maybe up to a week long. This would be the stage where they solicit feedback and fix up the proposal, if people think things need fixed or changed they will just vote no on the poll. Then op can fix the issues and they can repoll for a new, upgraded, proposal.
Then, if it has a favorable result (majority voting yes, or greater than 51% with some % for minimum quorum for the poll), it would move to an on-chain vote. I suggest we shorten the on-chain voting period to a week as everyone should already know what the issues up for vote are and have discussed them earlier during the polling phase on the forums.
I feel like this process would lead to more discussion and a clearer process than we have now in regards to when proposals are close to being submitted for on-chain votes and the publics sentiment about them.
While this isn’t a formalized proposal I would like to hear people’s thoughts on the matter.
The two things I am proposing are really building some sort of gasless polling for atom holders to vote on at, akin to snapshot on eth, (probably msg signing with their key which can then be used to lookup their staked amount to tally votes) and lowering the voting time on cosmos to 1 week.
Also, I think the community should encourage users, both devs and regular atom holders, to use the forums more to talk about their ideas on governance and the ecosystem this is something that I really don’t see happening at all.