Web Wallet Access

There used to be a way to access the cosmostation web wallet from cosmostation website. That has disappeared.

How to access the web wallet now with ledger?

What the fuck please don’t trust this guy. It seems like a big scam.

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I think this is the one you are lookijg for if I am right https://wallet.cosmostation.io/mobile

I think they did some changes to their website so that is why it is missing.

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Yes. I saw the mobile link on the website. There used to be another option beyond the mobile.

I always go to coinmarketcap first and click my links from there to avoid phishing. Thats how I found this group.

Thanks for your response, Kamikaza.

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There is pc version. It is just when I answered to you I was on the phone https://wallet.cosmostation.io/cosmos this should be the pc version. The difference in the link is that it has /mobile at the end.

Yup! Thats the one…Thanks!!

Out of curiosity, where did you find the link?..its no longer on thier site.

Did you already have it saved, or is it posted somewhere?

I used it when I just started getting into cosmos ecosystem and i remembered it was tied to cosmostation validator web page. So I kinda guessed that it was a subdomain wallet for web wallet.

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